I’m not perfect by any means and am working to overcome a few problems that are not insignificant, but after what I’ve learned here and through Q, if God grades on the curve, I’m on pretty damned good shape to get into heaven or atleast in adjacent community.
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There are dogs in heaven and I can prove it:
When you die and get to heaven, since God is omniscient, He knows that you loved your pets. Since God is love, He has promised you eternal joy. Since God is omnipotent, He can have them there waiting for you. Since He will never lie, He would not just make you forget about them because He knows you love them and making you just forget about them would be a form of lying and dishonest joy.
Ergo, God knows about, is capable, and willing to make sure your pets are waiting for you in heaven.
They'll be there.
We are commanded by Jesus to hate everything in comparison to our love for Jesus (Luke 14:26). Our feelings for everything, even family, should be hatred when we compare it to our love for Jesus. If you think you would miss out at all by not having a dog in Heaven then you truly do not love Jesus.
I love how you can see into my heart and know the truth.
You have an issue with Scripture, not me. I’m merely repeating and describing the Word of God.
Plank in the eye my friends. Plank in the eye.
*Note: repeating and describing [MY interpretation of] the Word of God.
Jesus doesn’t teach you to hate. He does reference what is most important. To love your God and to love your neighbor. Technically your family falls in line with neighbors. As does every politician in Washington DC. Blessings, are what you could hope for. And God can withhold on those and even take away. God loves us all the same. What Qkek mentioned was spot on. I feel our loved ones as well as animals, that we truly loved…not like a gold fish we had for 3 months, can and will be in Heaven. God can do anything. There will be no tears in Heaven. No sadness or pain. Joy will be abundant. In His presence.
You need to go and read the scripture I referenced.
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.”
Hate is used as a term of comparison in the Bible. If you hate everything on earth in comparison to your love for Jesus, then what is the need for things that are comparatively hated in Heaven? If you think you need more than Jesus in Heaven and are this attached to worldly things and relationships then you seriously need to reevaluate your relationship with Him.
Also, God does not love everyone the same: “Jacob I loved but Esau I have hated.” Malachi 1:3
Please read the Bible.
Where did I say we need more than Jesus? Please point that out. You like to make stuff up?
Edit. Looking at Luke your post describes exactly that, but your context makes a person to think “to hate”…Jesus was using a metaphor…..parable. It simply means place God first. Even if that means you lose your family, keep God first. Read the Bible yes, but your translation with “hate your family” needs more explanation. I hope your not just running around saying that. Explain that scripture better if your gonna act all scholarly on folks.