The lawmen didn't do their jobs because they work for the same regime that the rioters do. We shouldn't have welfare, or a civilization where welfare can be justified to the people. The only reason it can be justified is because they have plundered the prosperity of the nation and have trapped us in a world where nothing can be built unless they can take undeserved profits from every endeavor and enterprise great or small. Once it was justified it was simply easier for most people to pursue easy bread instead of difficult freedom.
In an ideal world your entire clan would occupy a sizable piece of land. You would spend your days teaching your grandkids how to bring whatever products your clan makes from conception all the way to market. Your "social security" would be 5 generations of your people working together. No one would ever go hungry or without shelter. Your police would be a militia of your own brethren. You would govern no one but your own kin, and no one who is not your kin would ever govern you.
It sounds farfetched in the context of the world as we know it, but this was the system before Rome imposed its law on western civilization and though we still have some cultural memory of the moral character of the civilizations we used to be (concepts like freedom, honor, integrity) before being conquered by the Roman system and the Abrahamic religion -- which were not the source of our moral character or cultural memory. There was a deliberate effort to perpetrate a history that would vilify (and literally invert) the swastika (a symbol unifying Scythian/Gothic tribalism) and the word Aryan (and so burying an Arian Christianity that was truer to what Jesus taught than the weaponized Christianity of Roman Catholicism) all in one final swoop before modernization and the information age would be allowed to progress any further -- and that was by design, I think.
Sorry, you asked a simple question an I gave you a weird answer.
In the real world that we're stuck in, Social Security is necessary. You don't have a clan or land or a future, just a present need to eat and survive as an isolated citizen of a paper empire that doesn't give a fuck about you beyond the optics of you starving after a lifetime of citizenship and work while they eat caviar and steak off a silver plate with their uncalloused soft hands.
The lawmen didn't do their jobs because they work for the same regime that the rioters do.
This is so essential to understanding the system. Further, unitparty politicians will never vote for anything that requires personal responsibility to receive welfare. They want as many as possible on it with minimum qualifications to have it. That way anytime they need mostly peaceful protests they can do so on demand.
These clowns work directly with NGOs (paid for with .gov grants from your taxes) to stir rioters up. "They're going to take away your assistance." and out they come. And by design once you take assistance you cannot get out of it. Should you get a job and try to move yourself up on your own you'll lose the whole package, EBT, SNAP, HUD housing, medical, phone, etc. all gone. So, you stay in and do as your told. Like cops being threatened with losing their pension.
The lawmen didn't do their jobs because they work for the same regime that the rioters do. We shouldn't have welfare, or a civilization where welfare can be justified to the people. The only reason it can be justified is because they have plundered the prosperity of the nation and have trapped us in a world where nothing can be built unless they can take undeserved profits from every endeavor and enterprise great or small. Once it was justified it was simply easier for most people to pursue easy bread instead of difficult freedom.
Excellent point ❤️ “easier for most people to pursue easy bread instead of difficult freedom”
As much as it sounds like I'm picking at nits here...
What about the disabled? Social Security disability is a thing.
You are correct on over 90% of cases, however.
My sister came up with the term (welfare queens) yrs ago. People who game the system !
Here in PA when drug addicts were kicked off welfare they were added to the social security disability lists and collect disability.
I downvoted this but I want to explain why, assuming you aren't being sarcastic.
To put it simply, imagine that they are trying to put us all on welfare (because they are), then consider your post from that perspective.
In an ideal world your entire clan would occupy a sizable piece of land. You would spend your days teaching your grandkids how to bring whatever products your clan makes from conception all the way to market. Your "social security" would be 5 generations of your people working together. No one would ever go hungry or without shelter. Your police would be a militia of your own brethren. You would govern no one but your own kin, and no one who is not your kin would ever govern you.
It sounds farfetched in the context of the world as we know it, but this was the system before Rome imposed its law on western civilization and though we still have some cultural memory of the moral character of the civilizations we used to be (concepts like freedom, honor, integrity) before being conquered by the Roman system and the Abrahamic religion -- which were not the source of our moral character or cultural memory. There was a deliberate effort to perpetrate a history that would vilify (and literally invert) the swastika (a symbol unifying Scythian/Gothic tribalism) and the word Aryan (and so burying an Arian Christianity that was truer to what Jesus taught than the weaponized Christianity of Roman Catholicism) all in one final swoop before modernization and the information age would be allowed to progress any further -- and that was by design, I think.
Sorry, you asked a simple question an I gave you a weird answer.
In the real world that we're stuck in, Social Security is necessary. You don't have a clan or land or a future, just a present need to eat and survive as an isolated citizen of a paper empire that doesn't give a fuck about you beyond the optics of you starving after a lifetime of citizenship and work while they eat caviar and steak off a silver plate with their uncalloused soft hands.
This is so essential to understanding the system. Further, unitparty politicians will never vote for anything that requires personal responsibility to receive welfare. They want as many as possible on it with minimum qualifications to have it. That way anytime they need mostly peaceful protests they can do so on demand.
These clowns work directly with NGOs (paid for with .gov grants from your taxes) to stir rioters up. "They're going to take away your assistance." and out they come. And by design once you take assistance you cannot get out of it. Should you get a job and try to move yourself up on your own you'll lose the whole package, EBT, SNAP, HUD housing, medical, phone, etc. all gone. So, you stay in and do as your told. Like cops being threatened with losing their pension.
/same bark, different dog