so, should we bow to those hoards? what should we do? allow them to become the authoritarian on the left they desire?
when they run out of children to torture should we offer up more children to them as a sacrifice to their authority?
who is wising for this?
before the flood noah told others, did this stop the inevitable? nope. it did not do anything but show noah their hearts.
once could also say to the orc army you claim. be careful what you wish for... most want peace. The peaceful people are the most dreadful of all armies. They are also the hardest to wake up. this is all by design. The meek shall inherit the earth. not the orcs silly. :)
so, should we bow to those hoards? what should we do? allow them to become the authoritarian on the left they desire?
when they run out of children to torture should we offer up more children to them as a sacrifice to their authority?
who is wising for this?
before the flood noah told others, did this stop the inevitable? nope. it did not do anything but show noah their hearts.
once could also say to the orc army you claim. be careful what you wish for... most want peace. The peaceful people are the most dreadful of all armies. They are also the hardest to wake up. this is all by design. The meek shall inherit the earth. not the orcs silly. :)
turgid ramblings, detached from reality...
Naw. You only prove a point. I am nobody important and yet you are compelled. Interesting. I am very calm. Why would you care what another says?