Background, I’m the grandmother and matriarch of family. We all got together for a re-union, which was enjoyed immensely, but unfortunately a stomach virus got into the mix. Here are my observations:
10 adults, 5 jabbed. 3 jabbed family members catch virus no other adults. 10 children, 3 jabbed. 2 jabbed children catch virus, no other children.
Side note, the one jabbed child that didn’t get sick I managed to get an Elderberry, Zinc, C and D gummy into every day where as her two siblings did get sick. (Had a hard time getting the gummies into the two I missed. I also gave gummies to as many as possible, and hoping this helps me get parents to give them to all kiddos.) I’m thinking supplements really help build immunity.
You are full of shit.
I take it monthly. I have given it to my dogs for many years for heart worm. I have used it on my birds for many years. In all the time I have used it never a reaction on me, or any of the animals.
Africans have been taking it for decades now.
They should kick your shilling ass off here.
I agree with your opinion about Ivermectin but I don't think people should be kicked off for pointing out contrary stuff (unless they really are shills or trolls)
That is definitely a shill, likely a DemonRat or FBI
OK, could be, I go with your intuition on that Juls.
Don’t trust me! Trust God.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
My doctor said I had gallbladder cancer. I took Ivermectin everyday for 3 weeks up until my surgery. They removed it and told me I didn't have cancer.
I also take it monthly and have been doing so since 2020.