Have you noticed people seem to have disengaged from a lot of sites (Rumble, Telegram and so on evident by view counts, ratings, likes, etc?
I've noticed this over the past 3-6 months. Viewership seems to be down tremendously. I think many are becoming tired and ready to move on with their lives. Jesus take the wheel.
Call me a masochist, but in a way those defeats have become my hopium, since there will be a breaking point. May not be today, may not be in a year, but some day it will break, and when that day comes I'll be there, waiting for whatever comes.
I second that, the worse it gets the more the normies pull their heads out of their asses. Pair that with the obvious and glaring errors the DS would never make it just keeps getting better.
2nd that. I don't know why it's so hard to understand for most people - the founding fathers didn't start war with Britain because relations were going great - "a long train of abuses". We weren't going to reverse 80 years of brainwashing in 4 years. Human nature - nobody gives a shit about anything until it affects them directly. That's when people get off their ass, unfortunately there is no other way.
One hopes....
You’ll be where? In Anon heaven?