Have you noticed people seem to have disengaged from a lot of sites (Rumble, Telegram and so on evident by view counts, ratings, likes, etc?
I've noticed this over the past 3-6 months. Viewership seems to be down tremendously. I think many are becoming tired and ready to move on with their lives. Jesus take the wheel.
I for one am simply tired of the constant manipulation. Both sides, the blackhats and the whitehats are participating in this psy-op. And while the Q has told us this is all an act, I am tired of hearing everyone pretend like it is real, and trying to figure out what is actually happening behind the scenes.
Then I hear others in the movement saying things like "Maybe there won't be full disclosure. Maybe there will only be partial disclosure because people can't handle the whole truth." And at that point I just get angry. I personally would prefer a kinetic war with people dying to this crap. At least you know dead is dead. It would suck, but people would see it, grow weary of it, and do what is necessary to end it. This dystopian reality could go on forever, and knowing only that it will end at some unspecified point in the future doesn't make it any easier.
So yeah...I've mostly disengaged. I no longer trust the plan. The plan is wrong. It has taken too long and cost too much. And yes, I recognize the horrors of the alternative. I just no longer believe death is the worst possible outcome. One thing is certain though. When this is all done, if there is even a hint that full disclosure is not absolute, then all of what Q did will be for naught. Because there will still be civil war in that case. I refuse to live in a world that keeps secrets and treats its citizens this way, and where this kind of manipulation (that both sides have been engaging in) is deemed in any way acceptable. I will no longer tolerate it.
If this is the price we pay for being awake, so be it. I'll happily continue to be miserable, as long as my friends and family do not have to die in a pointless civil war.
Something is happening. In my 30 years awake, I've not seen anything like it. A great awakening is taking place, it's just happening in slow motion.
I'm with you. In the 80's and 90's, I couldn't really talk about this stuff with but a few people sprinkled in my life here and there. Today, when I go anywhere, people are a lot more receptive and awake. It's refreshing.
I’ve found that to be true, as well.
As they said, without full disclosure civil war will occur regardless. Honestly, at this point, it may be inevitable. 4-6% seems like a gross over estimation of the current American morality after so much importation of foreign and incompatible sentimentality.
People need to be made to see the truth.
It may be "inconvenient", but without full disclosure and overt consequences there's no proof that positive change is coming.
I fully agree with his sentiment that we need full disclosure. It doesn't matter if it makes people feel bad.
I get the negativity. We are humans and can only take so much psyop.