Funny about this comment thread; I just recently was reading about garden pests, clicked to read about those disgusting, creepy AF silverfish..... yuck.
When the Hadron collider went online it all changed. They smashed the fabric of space time and we forked into a new timeline then everything got whacky.
Paper copies aren't safe either! They'll come into your attic at night and change your book title to Berenstain!
Lol. All the silverfish will come in late at night and eat the ending.
Thanks for contributing to my nightmares! I'll tell my sleep paralysis demon you said hi!
HAHA. Ya fuck silverfish.
Funny about this comment thread; I just recently was reading about garden pests, clicked to read about those disgusting, creepy AF silverfish..... yuck.
I didn't realize they actually EAT PAPER...!!!!
When the Hadron collider went online it all changed. They smashed the fabric of space time and we forked into a new timeline then everything got whacky.