Don't get too discouraged about the down votes. It seems a lot of downvoting has occured tonight. I guess the Left finally has found GAW and are attacking some of the more senseable replies. Chin up, fren, it's just a small battle that we can handle.
Occasionally, I can understand downvotes. I'm not a straight-down-the-conservative-line guy. I say what I think. But I do find it amusing when what is clearly irony (or something not meant seriously) is taken seriously. I shake my head.
Don't get too discouraged about the down votes. It seems a lot of downvoting has occured tonight. I guess the Left finally has found GAW and are attacking some of the more senseable replies. Chin up, fren, it's just a small battle that we can handle.
Occasionally, I can understand downvotes. I'm not a straight-down-the-conservative-line guy. I say what I think. But I do find it amusing when what is clearly irony (or something not meant seriously) is taken seriously. I shake my head.
All the best, sir.