1 police officer per 240 people in France.
1 police officer per 428 people in USA
The math is very interesting and the factors are interesting.
Add in secret police on top of that in each country. I hope we get to around 200 guns per 100 people in USA this decade.
In France they are literally on the brink of totalitarian if not already there. Out of that 31 in France — how many of those are police officers and secret police including government officials?
In USA we are the prize. We are the giant that may not awake but if we do. Done in under a week. If USA falls to dictatorship- the world does too. This is mathematically possible.
MOST people in the whole world are mostly for peace. It only takes a sliver to ruin it for all. These antifa/nato/woke/tards are the real anarchists and they use the media and propaganda to project that on to those very that question this.
In reality compared to the world ALL of USA is still very small, but we are a giant that needs to wake up. ;)
Question. 2+2=4 right? One could say it is prophetic or another can say it is the “ The Commutative Law of Addition”
For those who are unlearned in math laws could call it a repeating prophecy.
In the law of man with good vs evil.
There is always those as all of us in the equation.
The math is still •there• and when the change starts to take place we will see many people who are so used to saying “nothing will ever happen” —stuck in this repeating behavior. It is another repeating prophecy that you are proving.
The best thing to do is really learn patience and buckle up.
Right before the change happens we will see many claim nothing will happen. The psychology behind this is a mystery to me-yet it is riddled in the history of man from the beginning.
Almost like human nature has a law attached to it just we call “ The Commutative Law of Addition”
;) I have accepted I can not stop what is coming but that doesn’t mean I can not write or just be me. Why should I be depressed as those who claim nothing will ever be done when mathematically what is going on will never be able to be held up long term?
31 is not awful I suppose. Lot better than zero.
1 police officer per 240 people in France. 1 police officer per 428 people in USA
The math is very interesting and the factors are interesting.
Add in secret police on top of that in each country. I hope we get to around 200 guns per 100 people in USA this decade.
In France they are literally on the brink of totalitarian if not already there. Out of that 31 in France — how many of those are police officers and secret police including government officials?
In USA we are the prize. We are the giant that may not awake but if we do. Done in under a week. If USA falls to dictatorship- the world does too. This is mathematically possible.
MOST people in the whole world are mostly for peace. It only takes a sliver to ruin it for all. These antifa/nato/woke/tards are the real anarchists and they use the media and propaganda to project that on to those very that question this.
In reality compared to the world ALL of USA is still very small, but we are a giant that needs to wake up. ;)
Question. 2+2=4 right? One could say it is prophetic or another can say it is the “ The Commutative Law of Addition”
For those who are unlearned in math laws could call it a repeating prophecy.
In the law of man with good vs evil.
There is always those as all of us in the equation.
The math is still •there• and when the change starts to take place we will see many people who are so used to saying “nothing will ever happen” —stuck in this repeating behavior. It is another repeating prophecy that you are proving.
The best thing to do is really learn patience and buckle up.
Right before the change happens we will see many claim nothing will happen. The psychology behind this is a mystery to me-yet it is riddled in the history of man from the beginning.
Almost like human nature has a law attached to it just we call “ The Commutative Law of Addition”
;) I have accepted I can not stop what is coming but that doesn’t mean I can not write or just be me. Why should I be depressed as those who claim nothing will ever be done when mathematically what is going on will never be able to be held up long term?