Pleased, yes. Proud? Can't go that far. Voted you up anyway. I think that those are just the beginning of (hopefully!) a true return to Him. When we see something like a fully involved repentance from top to bottom, then we can say the nation is turned. See The Book of Jonah for details. We could also get a more half hearted response, as described here:
Apologetix - Rebuild This City (Parody of We Build this City)
Wait... Am I missing something? Would God not be proud that we (humans)had overturned RvW and destroyed the guidestones?
Pleased, yes. Proud? Can't go that far. Voted you up anyway. I think that those are just the beginning of (hopefully!) a true return to Him. When we see something like a fully involved repentance from top to bottom, then we can say the nation is turned. See The Book of Jonah for details. We could also get a more half hearted response, as described here:
Apologetix - Rebuild This City (Parody of We Build this City)
Pleased is a better word...
Or does "judgment" = "wrath" in the above?