We had dinner last night with friends we met a year ago. They are intelligent and very religious he is a deacon in their church. They are very kind snd funny and a delight to be around.
We never ever discussed politics because we are white and they are black. We went to their Baptist church and we could feel the leanings of politics. We do however discuss the divide and bigotry.
Yesterday we were discussing how much hate everyone has. His wife stated I cant believe what comes out of MTG mouth. I never heard such hateful words from someone. She needs thrown out.
I smiled and looked at her and said hello have you ever met Hillary Clinton.
She stated oh no she never said anything like that. She never conducts herself in that manner. I insisted she does and she commented I would like to see that.
My husband stated she plays to her audience. I added did you see her when she went to a church in the south and all of a sudden she is speaking with a black southern accent?
They looked at me like I was crazy.
We ended the discussion.
My husband and I at that moment realized that people believe the news only. There is so much brainwashing and in no way are people awake. Nothing on the news tells these people anything.
The whole experience yesterday has upset me because I really believed people were awake.
My two cents.
The pride people are given as a crutch really makes them inept to have an opinion.
The pride they are given needs to be cut off and only they can do it.
We are not racist—they have become racist because of their pride.
In the black community they believe their is a conspiracy against them from the wealthy white people. If you are friends with them ask them to open up to you. It was a bizarre thing when I was told this.
What took from it was they are right but they are serving those that are against them and their pride will not allow them to change.
My hope for this change is through the Bible but I don’t think many dead the Bible and yet they are very spiritual.
To me they are equal and are also Americans just I am-yet there is something sinister going on with their ideology.
DNA? Or teaching?
One doesn’t have to look far to see that BLM=BP (black power) this they condone and donate money too and it only will work out badly in the sight of God but for a time here on earth they might •feel• superior but they are not.
They have no bigotry in their hearts. They have many white friends. He said he grew up in the neighborhood we all live and whites and blacks were always together. Many if his high school friends are still in contact with him. He was telling us stories about them growing up and no one saw any bigotry.
When he was done I said well what happened to make all these people to become divided? They both just sat and you could see them thinking.
Then I said it isn't just whites and blacks it is Asians Latinos whatever.
That really made them think.
maybe this is a thing to consider. Do they vote for Democratic candidates? If they do that is like holding hands with the devil and claiming you are a Christian.
right now, and for the past couple decades really. Maybe from the beginning of the Democratic Party. They are not Christians.
They deny the power of God. Yet if you question them, you are the bad one? That too is fascism. just a fyi.
If they are Christians, then race should not even be a topic of concern.
That’s not too different from believing in the deep state against us. They just think they’re all white (which they mostly are)..
Yep and they vote for them still. It is amazing for sure. The ones who awaken from their slumber becomes an outcast.
I grew up with all types and almost married a beautiful lady that was a black. Her family showed me the racism they have within.
I questioned them too.
Strange I would want to take her to the movies but if they were outside some boundary she would be scared. I grew up in an inner city part of my childhood where I was the minority and then the other part of my childhood was on a cattle ranch which again I was the minority. I still am being half Jewish.
I could not believe they had boundaries defined by their leaders in where they could spend money and feel safe.