Says the man who signed into law the act that banned regular citizens from buying/transferring any full-auto weapon made after 1986, the year he signed the law. This in effect drove the price of older FA weapons through the roof making them almost impossible for a blue collar citizen to afford. For instance an M16A2 cost around $1,000 (plus $200 tax stamp) in 1985. In 1986 after he signed the law the price had gone up to over $15,000. Now, if you can find a decent one you are looking at $30,000 plus.
Ironically the law was titled the Firearm Owners Protection Act.
Good one, but make sure you have a police report to back up that statement or they could look for it any place it would fit within your house, with a search and seizure warrant that is.😅
Says the man who signed into law the act that banned regular citizens from buying/transferring any full-auto weapon made after 1986, the year he signed the law. This in effect drove the price of older FA weapons through the roof making them almost impossible for a blue collar citizen to afford. For instance an M16A2 cost around $1,000 (plus $200 tax stamp) in 1985. In 1986 after he signed the law the price had gone up to over $15,000. Now, if you can find a decent one you are looking at $30,000 plus.
Ironically the law was titled the Firearm Owners Protection Act.
...I loved my full auto uzi....
...until I lost it fishing in Lake Erie...
...wags tail sadly....
Fishing with grenades is more effective.
...indeed... a youngster, we would use calcium carbide in a mason jar to similar effect...
M-80s wrapped in electrical tape with waterproof fuses...
Good one, but make sure you have a police report to back up that statement or they could look for it any place it would fit within your house, with a search and seizure warrant that is.😅
...I bought this back in the 70's and it is not in my possession...
...doggy winks...
Those darned fishing accidents... Howls at the moon... 🤣🤣🤣
...I often shutter to think of the weaponry at the bottom of fishing holes across this country...
Heard that...
I think his Alzheimer was kicking in by this time and more decisions weren't made my him.
He was bought and paid for by the Rockefellers.
Ronald Reagan at the Bohemian Grove:
RR with Rockefeller
I remember seeing a full auto Thompson in shotgun news for 600.
Interesting bit if information... Thank you fren... Cheers...