Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is the most anti trans movie I've ever seen! How did James Gunn, canceled by the woke mob at Disney, then rehired get away with this?
Bad guy literally transmutates animals. Turning then against their biology.
Rocket Racoon struggles to embrace his true biology. Only later coming to terms with who he was actually created as.
Villian claims there is no God until he stepped in.
Wanted to create a world without bigots. World he created resembles meth laden streets of San Francisco.
The villian has tons of children in cages who are rescued.
Holy cow this is some subtle writing and the fact that Disney didn't see the message is crazy to me.
Paying money for a James Gunn movie is completely retarded. I don't give a rat's ass about whatever message his shit movies are attempting to convey.
See my statement in regards to this in response to another post below.
(So you can downvote it while purposefully ignoring every point made within it, as appears to be your wont. Also, feel free to restate how you feel about what is "proper human behavior".)
Go watch your James Gunn movie, buddy. Have a good time.
Nah. I'll wait til I can download it. I refuse to give Hollywood money.