LOG № .4 | Ian Ferguson | Molochians vs Luciferians, QFS and digital identity.
Listen to this episode from Library of Gnosis on Spotify. Today I am joined by Ian Ferguson from white lotus of light (https://www.youtube.com/@WhiteLotusOfLight) and we are discussing the different factions in power of earth.
This podcast is hardly Q-adjacent, but what they discuss lays out the WHY of how nothing can stop what is coming. Very interesting if you dabble in the esoteric and try to put that picture together as to where we are. Would love to hear any criticisms or alternate takes on the information presented. You dont need to listen / watch the whole 2 hours to get the gist, the presenter gets right into the meat and potatoes and lays out what constitues a Molachian and a Luciferian, and it sounds like the war between them is exactly where we find ourselves in this Shadow / Silent War
I will give it a try... although TWO hours...
You should be able to get enough out in the first 30 mins, it did pass by quick for me because it was a new take on some old information for me
Sounds interesting. Thanks!
What if the Bible has been mistranslated and corrupted - from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English - to engender the compliance of humans to a ruling elite?
What if the Elohim were an alien race that conquered technologically inferior humans? What if Ashtoreth, Chamosh, Molek, Yahweh etc. were local commanders under a ranking officer called Elyon? What if Elyon lost control of his officers and they started fighting amongst themselves using the humans as cannon fodder?
Of course the Bible has, the only thing to debate is how much in my mind.
I assume you are familiar with Mauro Biglino and his translations?
I had to do a double-take.
Ian Ferguson is also the name of a recurring guest on a YouTube show I watch that has nothing to do with this.