5 year Delta tomorrow. ALSO tomorrow, James Comer claims they are going to unleash a flood of evidence against the crime family Biden.
Comers district is Southern Kentucky counties. Southern Kentucky. SKY. “SKY Event” tomorrow.
Coincidence maybe? Maybe not. Then again, I recall something about “no coincidences”. Yeah, who knows.
look at that, interesting, eh?
Yeah, an acronym for "EVENT" and it's a logging system for safety violations under while under medical care. It doesn't cover vax reactions though.
Right, but what caught my eye was EMS. Which also means Emergency Management Systems which is mentioned in the drops.
My tin foil hat just caught fire. Maybe I'll go take a walk 😊
Yes, I spotted that too, but EMS being emergency messaging system didn't match the document,
Ah - can happen. Did you get too close to a smart meter?
ha ha ha!