I wish Trump had formally come back into office before this last minute decision. It makes Biden look like a clown, but also gives the DemoLib voters and Sheeple hope that his Admin can maybe pull their heads out. Biden needs to fail 1000%, not be bailed out by the White Hats in the COG Command Center.
The US government is going to default, the dollar is going to lose its reserve status and be hyperinflated to oblivion on Biden's watch. Then Trump returns to help rebuild. Most normies have never even heard of Title 42.
It makes me wonder what I should be doing with my physical cash, or my savings if the system will collapse. I even have an IRA, should I be putting it all into silver and gold?
I’d like this to be answered. I’ve been considering more gold as well. Hopefully somebody with that knowledge sees this or perhaps the question is worth a post by itself.
I wish Trump had formally come back into office before this last minute decision. It makes Biden look like a clown, but also gives the DemoLib voters and Sheeple hope that his Admin can maybe pull their heads out. Biden needs to fail 1000%, not be bailed out by the White Hats in the COG Command Center.
The US government is going to default, the dollar is going to lose its reserve status and be hyperinflated to oblivion on Biden's watch. Then Trump returns to help rebuild. Most normies have never even heard of Title 42.
It makes me wonder what I should be doing with my physical cash, or my savings if the system will collapse. I even have an IRA, should I be putting it all into silver and gold?
I’d like this to be answered. I’ve been considering more gold as well. Hopefully somebody with that knowledge sees this or perhaps the question is worth a post by itself.