Well, I think there are a whole bunch of angles we might think about it from.
I have heard sound bite that CNN is now controlled (or CEOed) by someone who supports Trump.
Was the interview /town hall actually set up with the idea that Trump would devour the interviewer and get a ratings smash (for TRUMP, not necessarily for CNN)?
Why would Trump accept the town hall invite? Did he know that this was a set up that would benefit MAGA and his campaign, and so had no qualms about heading into it?
Is it a coincidence that the CNN town hall was set up for the same day that the Congress Drop on the Biden Crime Family was coming out? Was it set up by the DS in order to deflect / redirect attention from the Congress drop?
The line that this was done in order to boost CNN's ratings was promulgated by DJT himself ("they want some of those DJT ratings back"). Is this merely the cover narrative for the normies? It sounds plausible on a superficial level, but think about it. Is there any way that the Goebel's propaganda machine would air the Winston Churchill speech, or have him on as a guest, to 'boost ratings'.
As a propaganda tool, ratings or profit, etc, are NOT the priorities of CNN. It's all about the propaganda and impact on the population. If all of a sudden, they are willing to have DJT on 'to boost ratings', it means they have abandoned the propaganda agenda.
In which case, it has either been taken over by pro-DJT, pro-Maga, anti-DS parties, in which case the Town Hall was indeed a set up, or CNN has been so neutered that they can no longer serve the propaganda agenda, even if their masters want it so.
At one point, the interviewer said 'we want to give you the chance to acknowledge the results". There should be no doubt that the questions were designed by the producers, NOT by the interviewer. Even the most moronic producer at a Leftist CNN would know that DJT is never going to acknowledge "that Biden won the election lawfully". To me, this question sounds like a set-up, for Trump to steamroll over the interviewer. Very weird question, if you ask me (given everything that everyone knows about DJT).
Looking at the sound bite responses from the hard Left, it's almost time to say "Epstein didn't kill itself, but CNN did".
Either way, I think that this is likely another iteration of the collapse of the DS propaganda machine (which really booted off with Musk taking over the Twit), and whatever the town hall was planned for, the result is a loss for the DS.
CNN should have known better. They put Trump on air to hopefully boost their sorrowful ratings and the Master Troll Trolls with the truth.
Well, I think there are a whole bunch of angles we might think about it from.
I have heard sound bite that CNN is now controlled (or CEOed) by someone who supports Trump.
Was the interview /town hall actually set up with the idea that Trump would devour the interviewer and get a ratings smash (for TRUMP, not necessarily for CNN)?
Why would Trump accept the town hall invite? Did he know that this was a set up that would benefit MAGA and his campaign, and so had no qualms about heading into it?
Is it a coincidence that the CNN town hall was set up for the same day that the Congress Drop on the Biden Crime Family was coming out? Was it set up by the DS in order to deflect / redirect attention from the Congress drop?
The line that this was done in order to boost CNN's ratings was promulgated by DJT himself ("they want some of those DJT ratings back"). Is this merely the cover narrative for the normies? It sounds plausible on a superficial level, but think about it. Is there any way that the Goebel's propaganda machine would air the Winston Churchill speech, or have him on as a guest, to 'boost ratings'.
As a propaganda tool, ratings or profit, etc, are NOT the priorities of CNN. It's all about the propaganda and impact on the population. If all of a sudden, they are willing to have DJT on 'to boost ratings', it means they have abandoned the propaganda agenda.
In which case, it has either been taken over by pro-DJT, pro-Maga, anti-DS parties, in which case the Town Hall was indeed a set up, or CNN has been so neutered that they can no longer serve the propaganda agenda, even if their masters want it so.
At one point, the interviewer said 'we want to give you the chance to acknowledge the results". There should be no doubt that the questions were designed by the producers, NOT by the interviewer. Even the most moronic producer at a Leftist CNN would know that DJT is never going to acknowledge "that Biden won the election lawfully". To me, this question sounds like a set-up, for Trump to steamroll over the interviewer. Very weird question, if you ask me (given everything that everyone knows about DJT).
Looking at the sound bite responses from the hard Left, it's almost time to say "Epstein didn't kill itself, but CNN did".
Either way, I think that this is likely another iteration of the collapse of the DS propaganda machine (which really booted off with Musk taking over the Twit), and whatever the town hall was planned for, the result is a loss for the DS.
I agree. The questions really did give him a chance to hit it out of the park on so many issues.
Just don't eat it. It's nasty.
the lion isn't sleeping tonight lol
The jackals taunt the lion- biting his ears, eating his food, laughing at him, then one day…