His father sent him to arguably, the best schools in the world at the time to learn rhetoric and leadership. Military prep academy then Wharton.
They also seem to not realize that he is not a celebrity, rather a highly accomplished builder/businessman.
One of the things i learned while reading his books?
To cut down on costs when he builds skyscrapers, he acts as his own general contractor. Most real estate builders subcontract that out to a GC.
In order for it to actually work?
Trump has to understand how all the trades work in sequence and what their costs are so he can determine what is an acceptable profit margin for those trades.
He literally knows how to construct skyscrapers, from permits, dealing with the douchey bureaucrats, labor, materials and on and on.
Most of it is pure mass formation propaganda, but i believe a lot of these young people actually have no clue who Trump is and have bought into the sophistry given by their side.
That dude Kaitlin that interviewed Trump at CNN townhall was 100% out of his league.
Have you read Art of the Deal? Trump set up a number of conditional agreements between investors and city officials. So he would go to, say, the city and say, “If I am able to bring in this investor and this much money, will you grant us the permits we need?” They would say yes. Then he would go to the investor and say, “If you put up this much money, I have an agreement that these permits will be granted.”
Much of his early success came from this. He basically went around New York making these conditional agreement to bring people together on projects and properties that were stalled out. He also focused on real estate that others had overlooked and abandoned that had once been seen as some of the best in New York. Trump figured if it had been the best before, it could be the best again, if someone had the vision. So he was able to purchase these buildings, turn them around, make them great again, and that was how he caught the attention of the bigger players in the city.
From there he started to leverage his brand and his personality and his relationship with the media and politicians. Where others would cower when politicians came after them, Trump would go to the press and expose what was happening behind the scenes to the people of New York. Because Trump wanted to do good for the city and the politicians were corrupt grifters, the people sided with Trump. This forced the polticians to back down and let him build.
The book is mostly about how people keep trying to stop him and how he uses whatever leverage he has to negotiate himself into a winning position.
Trump is such a master of rhetoric.
His father sent him to arguably, the best schools in the world at the time to learn rhetoric and leadership. Military prep academy then Wharton.
They also seem to not realize that he is not a celebrity, rather a highly accomplished builder/businessman.
One of the things i learned while reading his books?
To cut down on costs when he builds skyscrapers, he acts as his own general contractor. Most real estate builders subcontract that out to a GC.
In order for it to actually work?
Trump has to understand how all the trades work in sequence and what their costs are so he can determine what is an acceptable profit margin for those trades.
He literally knows how to construct skyscrapers, from permits, dealing with the douchey bureaucrats, labor, materials and on and on.
Most of it is pure mass formation propaganda, but i believe a lot of these young people actually have no clue who Trump is and have bought into the sophistry given by their side.
That dude Kaitlin that interviewed Trump at CNN townhall was 100% out of his league.
Trump slaughtered!
Absolutely. In the nj/ny commercial real estate game, it's all money laundering schemes.
The genius he is, he bypassed all the red tape. And of course what happened? He was immensely successful but lambasted by the establishment.
100%, well said!
Trump went to a military academy that taught multiple languages, including Russian.
He went two years to Fordham, a Jesuit school.
He went to Wharton, which had a relationship with the Tavistock Clinic in London, where he learned not only business but persuasion.
Dude looks like a lady, that's for sure.
He got those early loans because his Father was the biggest donor to NYC when everone else had given up on the city.
Mayor Koch and Fred trump were not buddies.
Fred sr loved NYC and gave millions. Not to make himself or donald profit.
He was a sober man and knew he had little time left.
He wanted the best for his children.
So unbelieveable?
His own son, Fred Jr, told Donald early on.
I am a flawed and messed up man.
Donald was 13 at the time.
Fred told him.
Never drink or do drugs.
A beautiful message that #45 lived by.
Have you read Art of the Deal? Trump set up a number of conditional agreements between investors and city officials. So he would go to, say, the city and say, “If I am able to bring in this investor and this much money, will you grant us the permits we need?” They would say yes. Then he would go to the investor and say, “If you put up this much money, I have an agreement that these permits will be granted.”
Much of his early success came from this. He basically went around New York making these conditional agreement to bring people together on projects and properties that were stalled out. He also focused on real estate that others had overlooked and abandoned that had once been seen as some of the best in New York. Trump figured if it had been the best before, it could be the best again, if someone had the vision. So he was able to purchase these buildings, turn them around, make them great again, and that was how he caught the attention of the bigger players in the city.
From there he started to leverage his brand and his personality and his relationship with the media and politicians. Where others would cower when politicians came after them, Trump would go to the press and expose what was happening behind the scenes to the people of New York. Because Trump wanted to do good for the city and the politicians were corrupt grifters, the people sided with Trump. This forced the polticians to back down and let him build.
The book is mostly about how people keep trying to stop him and how he uses whatever leverage he has to negotiate himself into a winning position.