Think about it: a lot of the judges who shot them down were even Trump-appointed judges. Were the lawyers involved in these suits too stupid to know what would and wouldn't get them standing?
I've thought about this a lot. Thought about how much harder fraud is to prove than simply proving that an election shouldn't stand based on what factually occurred at the time, whether it was intentional or not. It's like putting the thumb on your opponent's scale. Any good lawyer knows that when a higher charge is too iffy, you settle for the lesser charge. I keep looking at all these suits and they keep trying to prove in court that there was fraud, which is intentional, which would not only require the actions observed and recorded, but proof that what was happening was coordinated and intentional, which, of course, they're not going to have all of that. Or maybe they do (I think they do), but the plan called for Donald to play shadow president for 4 years while fake Biden takes the country seemingly to the edge of oblivion.
But when you think in terms of the Q plan, how it had to be this way, despite all of Trump's grandstanding and huffing and puffing about the election, to see all these highly capable lawyers just get swatted away left and right by judges all over the country...something doesn't smell right to me. Something tells me all the lawyers fighting for Trump (perhaps with the exception of the Mormon trumpet players from Utah) were part of the show. They brought intentionally weak cases that wouldn't qualify for standing so they could appear to be trying to fight this in court, when they really had no intention of doing so, because it would be almost too easy to prove, and putting Trump right back into the White House wasn't part of the plan right now.
So here we are, huffing and puffing about this painfully obvious fact that the election was stolen and no judge will even taken the case and suddenly I'm thinking..."Oh shit. Maybe the patriots have more control than I thought."
The plan has always required the economic collapse of the US and the currency reset. There are several events that needed to occur to make this happen, but a big one was the switch from LIBOR to SOFR. This was originally scheduled to happen on 31 Dec. 2021, but it was pushed back to 30 June 2023. This time, it looks like it is going to stick.
There was never ANY possibility Trump wanted to be holding the reins when this occurs. Nobody wants to be responsible for this. That is why we have Biden the puppet in place to take the fall. And that is why we got all these weird extensions of Trump's executive orders that made no sense.
This continuous kicking of the economic can down the road because the banks weren't ready is the source of all these maddening extensions and "hurry up and wait" fraud investigations. Things needed to be delayed until the economy was ready for the disaster everyone knows is coming.
Again, until the curtain comes down on the US economy, the plan can't start. Hopefully, the LIBOR->SOFR transition on June 30 is the last piece. If you thought the economic pain has been bad so far, you haven't seen anything yet. But once we're through it, declas can begin.
Great post, you get it.
What's the best financial move in anticipation of this you think? Gold?
I think so. Physical gold with no counter party risk. That and prayer.
I expect it to be rough. I'm sure there are optimal strategies and a select few will become very rich by buying up distressed assets at the right time, but I wouldn't presume to know how to do that. I'm anticipating an intense battle to win over the public to competing monetary systems, and a whole lot of confusion and gaslighting in the process.