Both and have 12:44 AM EST as the timestamp, and both have 1:44 AM EST.
Anyone who's programmed knows timestamps can be a bit tricky. You have time zones, daylight savings time, leap years, etc. On top of this you may have 4chan/8kun handling things in special ways, and also handling things in special ways. Unless a person is extremely meticulous, the solution is normally to throw your hands up in the air, use a good time library, and hope things work out.
So with respect to drop #4109, if you go to the post on, inspect source, you'll see:
The issue appears to be you passed in hours=-5, which is incorrect. In the first example, you explicitly passed in Central Daylight Time, so the correct time is 1:44 AM EDT, not 1:44AM EST.
Ahhh okay this is definitely a standard time vs daylight savings time thing. Some of the sites are using standard and some are using daylight, and the ones using daylight are not using it for all of the posts!
Yeah the background to this is most of the Q sites have a sort of master json file of all the Q posts. It has the timestamps, drop number, raw text, etc. of each drop.
I can't remember which site I scraped from (might have been qagg) but one of them had a Unix timestamp for each post, along with a string formatted datetime. This is redundant but may have been convenient to add for whatever reason.
I suspect someone had a script that went through and added the formatted time, and something changed with how they ran it and thus half the posts ended up in EDT instead of EST.
I remember building the clock and all the posts being out of alignment and it was cuz I used the formatted time instead of the Unix timestamp. Switched to the timestamp and everything lined up.
Before today I thought EST and EDT meant the same thing!
I'm still concerned that the library I'm using has some issues even doing basic EST. I'm digging more into it and it turns out people file a lot of bug reports related to offset issues...
Also I'm able to create some very simple issues where I just run an arbitrary timestamp through the library across four time zones, and the value isn't always switching. This is gonna keep me up all night.
How do you find this stuff? Amazing 'coincidence'.
Hang with me here for a minute u/valuefuckingdeep, I think I have some info that can open some doors from this proof.
When I was doing anontools I noticed that the timestamp situation on a few of the posts was a bit muddled, and 4109 is such an instance.
And here is the archive of the post:
Both and have 12:44 AM EST as the timestamp, and both have 1:44 AM EST.
Anyone who's programmed knows timestamps can be a bit tricky. You have time zones, daylight savings time, leap years, etc. On top of this you may have 4chan/8kun handling things in special ways, and also handling things in special ways. Unless a person is extremely meticulous, the solution is normally to throw your hands up in the air, use a good time library, and hope things work out.
So with respect to drop #4109, if you go to the post on, inspect source, you'll see:
Now my starting point would normally be, slap that datetime in javascript or the unix timestamp, and see what we get:
Well shoot, that is pretty clearly 1:44 AM EST, right? Well, what happens when we throw it in a fancy datetime library?
In we use the library date-fns-tz, and it also gives 12:44 AM as the answer.
TLDR: I think there is something special about these dates & times, beyond Elon explicitly referencing Q, that needs looking at.
The issue appears to be you passed in hours=-5, which is incorrect. In the first example, you explicitly passed in Central Daylight Time, so the correct time is 1:44 AM EDT, not 1:44AM EST.
EDT is only 4 hours behind GMT, not 5.
Ahhh okay this is definitely a standard time vs daylight savings time thing. Some of the sites are using standard and some are using daylight, and the ones using daylight are not using it for all of the posts!
Processing error at some point? Wild, thank you merf this is interesting af
Yeah the background to this is most of the Q sites have a sort of master json file of all the Q posts. It has the timestamps, drop number, raw text, etc. of each drop.
I can't remember which site I scraped from (might have been qagg) but one of them had a Unix timestamp for each post, along with a string formatted datetime. This is redundant but may have been convenient to add for whatever reason.
I suspect someone had a script that went through and added the formatted time, and something changed with how they ran it and thus half the posts ended up in EDT instead of EST.
I remember building the clock and all the posts being out of alignment and it was cuz I used the formatted time instead of the Unix timestamp. Switched to the timestamp and everything lined up.
Before today I thought EST and EDT meant the same thing!
Makes sense.
Yeah I always thought they meant the same thing as well! Well shit
I'm still concerned that the library I'm using has some issues even doing basic EST. I'm digging more into it and it turns out people file a lot of bug reports related to offset issues...
Also I'm able to create some very simple issues where I just run an arbitrary timestamp through the library across four time zones, and the value isn't always switching. This is gonna keep me up all night.
And this is where this line of thinking gets you. I couldn't have written a better parody if I tried.
7 days, 3 minutes