Are the White Hats puppeteering key figures like Schiff and Musk with the Turkey / Twitter censorship situation as a narrative setup for 2024? Are they using this as an opportunity to educate the normies about election interference from tech companies? It sure seems like it!

Nope, interfere Biden and Erdogan, Elon just disclosed instructions from Turkey, which Twitter had to oblige.
Elon didn’t just disclose instructions, he censored and removed accounts at the Turkish government’s behest. Having the government remove Twitter entirely, would be much more impactful and telling how far the Turkish government would go to keep power. And would have led to an awakening among Turkish citizens! It could’ve been the spark for exposing totalitarian government guised as democratic, on paper and undeniable!
But Elon didn’t even tell any Twitter users or Turkish citizens until he got called out for it… while purveying Twitter as a free-speech haven, which is clearly is not, if the government - any government could demand censorship or have the app deplatformed.
There is no freedom of speech in Turkey. Twitter has to follow the laws of the country they're operating in.
So have the platform removed, instead of censoring presidential candidates and other political runners, at the request of a fascist government. Turkish citizens would be awakened to extent the government would go to keep authoritarian, undemocratic rule. Instead of being manipulated unknowingly, into only hearing propaganda sanctioned by the government, on something he promotes as a total free-speech haven. He didn’t even inform anyone or at least Turkish voters, until he was called out on it yesterday. And here we are the day of the election, the damage is done.
I see your point and it is valid. I don't think we know all the information though. I think when Elon pushes Twitter as a free speech haven he is really only talking to Americans. But yeah he doesn't even really allow it 100% here. Keeps certain people off the platform for bullcrap reasons. If he were really a free speech absolutist he would not block any accounts.