2003: Anonymous English-language imageboard website 4chan begins. Created by a 15 year old Christopher Poole.
Feb 2004: Facebook begins same day DARPA kills LifeLog.
2005: Police in Palm Beach, Florida, begin investigating after a parent reported that Epstein sexually abused her 14-year-old daughter.
2006: ‘Fast and Furious’ ATF Gunrunner program begins.
Oct 2006: The wikileaks.org domain name was registered
Late August 2007: The unauthorized movement of nuclear weapons from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. This is either a sting operation, a cover story for a mutiny, or the Cabal was threateningly demonstrating its capability and intent. It is definitely not an accidental loading and transportation of nuclear weapons.
2007: PRISM begins. This is the Military spying on everyone, including the CIA. Six years later, Snowden (employed by CIA) reveals this FISA program, in an effort to destroy the NSA by obliterating their tools used to fight and defend.
June 2008: Epstein found guilty on state charges. U.S. attorney's office agrees not to prosecute Epstein for federal crimes.
June 2008: Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General T. Michael Moseley were asked for their resignations after investigation into unauthorized movement of nuclear weapons, which they gave.
September 15, 2008: Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.
September 25, 2008: The Air Force disciplines 15 senior officers, including six generals, in connection with the errant shipping of nuclear missile nose cones to Taiwan in 2006.
December 19, 2008: Michael Louis Connell was a high-level Republican consultant who was subpoenaed in a case regarding alleged tampering with the 2004 U.S. presidential election and a case involving thousands of missing emails pertaining to the political firing of U.S. Attorneys. Connell was killed when the plane he was flying crashed.
2008: China starts Thousand Talents Initiative. Infiltration of students, theft of industrial processes. China gets billions of dollars worth of free research and design, including stolen genetic models of viruses, protein spikes, and mRNA vaccines.
Jan, 2009: Obama inauguration.
Jan 2009: Hilary starts using Blackberry phones and email server at Chappaqua residence.
June 23, 2010: General McChrystal fired for insubordination.
June 29, 2010: Uranium One
November 2010: Midterms. Republicans take House. Red Wave. NSA monitoring election fraud and running models of what cabal software is capable of.
August 6, 2011: The single most deadly day in the history of the Navy SEAL community. Seal Team 6 annihilated.
September 17, 2011: Occupy Wall Street starts. Cabal has a hired army.
January 12, 2012: Rush Limbaugh is concerned with Obamacare and winning hearts and minds. The cabal is financing voting equipment, and tabulation software, and funding ballot harvesting initiatives. The NSA is trying to figure out how to declassify election fraud without sparking a civil war, while the cabal is building an army of agitators and provocateurs.
January 12, 2012: Cicada 3301, a cryptography puzzle, begins on 4chan website. A few months before 2012 election. A few years before 2016 election.
Cicada 3301 is a cryptography puzzle. A possible recruitment tool created by NSA. Also could have been the beta test for back-channel NSA communications with Patriots. The NSA may have been testing if 4chan was secure and suitable for delcas and comms.
Cicada 3301 was an activity, though unrealized at the time, that bypassed censorship and was conducted independently of legacy media. NSA might have been trying to assess how individuals might work together to solve goal-directed problems anonymously. In ways that bypass censorship and bypass moderation. Bypasses gatekeepers. Bypasses advertisers that can kill stories and quash investigations. Pfizer can't sue, and can't complain, can't threaten board of directors. Because the owner of 4chan is a 24 year old anime fan who just wants to discuss Pokemon at 3 AM. Who cares who's paying the server costs, it's definitely not advertisers.
Question is, what happens when everyone is under surveillance? How does the Military stop a foreign power from capturing the United States? But what if courts are compromised and corrupted? How would military reveal treason if courts wont prosecute? Congress is deadlocked. How far will whistle blowers take a story if media is controlled by traitors? Intel committees are dirty. China owns the National Security Council. How do you prevent civil war? How do you get the populace to continue voting democratically, maintaining the functioning local and state governments, while disclosing the horrific fraud at the national level. How do you get the American populace that is patriotic to stand down and wait for military action that has to be deferred for a decade or longer. How do you have this discussion while bypassing a hostile media?
Apparently NSA is thinking that whistle blowers leaking information (regarding Gun Running to Cartels, Uranium One Nuclear Blackmail, and Child Trafficking,) via journalists (who keep dying) is no longer viable and will not be tenable in the future. Perhaps the idea for an anonymous network of autists acting as citizen journalists begins here. NSA behaviorists tell special operators that Autism can be weaponized against the cabal. Millions of autistic individuals with heightened pattern recognition skills are currently focused only on acquiring chicken tenders, but are otherwise not engaged with civic activities such as serving on local governments or voting. These autists have unique special interests, are inherently curious, most are able to regulate information processing during goal-directed behavior. And they have now been unleashed to wage psychological warfare against every facet of the cabal. World wide. For free. At scale. In perpetuity. No Overton Window. And the citizen journalist doesn't care what anyone thinks because they are already social pariahs with a credit score of zero. They have nothing to lose. No fear. You can't fire them or pressure them. Millions of autists unleashed by the NSA to move the Overton window in every direction until the Potemkin village of DC has been exposed as a fraud. Not yet, though. Declas can't happen yet. 2012 is too soon. 5 more years. Patience. 2016 can be won.
March, 2012: Andrew Breitbart dies of heart attack.
August, 2012: Julian Assange enters asylum.
September 11, 2012: Benghazi attack
November 6, 2012: Obama re-elected. Did Military observe fraud? Does Military approach Trump and ask him to run in 2016 with assurances NSA will prevent fraud?
2013: Journalist Michael Hastings dies in car crash after story that led to firing of General McChrystal.
2013: Snowden leak. CIA starts war against NSA/ Military.
2013: Maduro wins with 50.62% of vote in Venezuela.
2013: Islamic State of Iraq and Levant starts.
2013: Nine senior commanding generals are fired by the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is under way. 197 officers purged under Obama.
March 2014: In response to a question about his greatest fear when he looks 50 years into the future, Gates stated: "There'll be some really bad things that'll happen in the next 50 or 100 years, but hopefully none of them on the scale of, say, a million people that you didn't expect to die from a pandemic, or nuclear or bioterrorism...”
Oct 17, 2014: Obama White House temporarily halts new funding for gain-of-function biological research.
Oct 31, 2014: Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS News correspondent, claims that her computers were hacked by the government.
December 30, 2014: Prince Andrew in the news.
June 12, 2015: Department of Defense published Law of War Manual is promulgated.
June I6, 2015: Trump announces he’s running for President.
Jan, 2016: Intelligence agencies found messages relating to what are known as “special access programs” on Hilary’s personal email server.
March, 2016: Podesta hacked. WikiLeaks is dropping daily installments of its trove of Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s hacked emails, providing an unprecedented glimpse into the inner workings of the Clinton campaign and its allies. Pizza Gate starts.
June 27, 2016: Tarmac encounter between Lynch and Clinton
July 10, 2016: Seth Rich is murdered.
Sept. 26, 2016: Anthony Weiner
Oct 28, 2016: Comey reopens Hilary email investigation.
Nov 17, 2016: National Security Agency head Admiral Mike Rogers angers the Obama administration when he meets with then-president-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower.
January 20, 2017: President Trump had just begun his 17 minute Inauguration address when several members of the armed forces walked up behind him and stood there stoically in uniform.
May 2017: Pope looks glum during Vatican meeting with Donald Trump. Trump family dressed in black as if at a funeral.
August, 2017: Trump takes 17 day vacation that is not a vacation.
October 28, 2017: Q posts to 4chan for the first time. Exactly 1776 days later the Queen of England dies. Exactly 1984 days later Trump is arraigned in NY on bogus charges and immediately released.
Nov 4, 2017: Saudi purge begins.
Nov 8,2017: Trump visits Forbidden City in China. Trump becomes first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since founding of modern China.
Nov 17, 2017: At least 4 dead after aircraft, helicopter collide mid-air near Rothschild manor in UK. Only aircraft operators killed.
Jan 13, 2018: Hawaii false missile alert.
Jan 27, 2018: Q gives update- Reconcile with fact that Queen died on 1776 day delta of first Q post. (Oct 28, 2017 to September 8, 2022 = 1776 days):
(Theresa) May is neutralized. MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning. Queen/monarchs seeking shelter. Patience. These people are stupid.
July 2018: President Trump walked ahead of Queen Elizabeth II during his visit to Windsor Castle. Queen without Crown due to her age.
December 5, 2018: The wives receive envelopes during Bush Sr. funeral. Hilary has a poker face, Michelle Obama is enraged, Jill Biden begins yelling at Joe, Laura Bush is blindsided and hands letter to Jeb Bush who immediately has panic attack, almost faints. Cameramen focus on reactions of wives.
Feb 5, 2019: Los Angeles got a good scare Monday night as a series of loud booms rocked downtown and military helicopters buzzed overhead. A helicopter landed in the middle of Wilshire Boulevard and troops could be seen rappelling onto rooftops. Soldiers protected by Nuclear Biological and Chemical hazmat gear exfiltrate a package. Had this weapon gone off in LA as scheduled, and had Pelosi not been grounded, she would have been out of the country along with her delegation.
April 2019: Laptop from hell left at Delaware repair shop. Tell me the Military is in control without telling me the military is in control.
April 2019: Bankman-Fried founded FTX, a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange. The Democrats were using this to launder money around the world. Whole thing will crash and burn in 2023. “These people are stupid” Q
June 9, 2019: Q re-posted video ‘This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ Listen very carefully (again). Note past (2) years. [Jun 2017] Note next (6) years. [June 2025] You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face. Strategic. Pre_planned. Patriots in control
June 30, 2019: Trump visits North Korea.
January 16, 2021: Benjamin de Rothschild dies at 57 of heart attack January 20, 2021: Biden inaugurated.
July 6, 2022. Georgia Guidstones damaged and dismantled on George W. Bush’s birthday. The Guidstones inscription read: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Oct 27, 2022: Elon buys Twitter
December 12, 2022: Bankman-Fried arrested.
March 1, 2023: Two US Air Force commanders and four subordinates are FIRED after failing to ensure safety of nuclear weapons stockpile at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota.
March 10, 2023: Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank
April 4, 2023: Donald Trump is arraigned and released without incident exactly 1984 days after Q first posted on 4chan. What did Q say about Orwell? Drop 4280 shows up as one of three results if 1984 is searched. “FISA=START”
April 27, 2023: The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance. The hearing, "Fixing FISA: How a Law Designed to Protect Americans Has Been Weaponized Against Them" examined the FBI's abuses of its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorities, discussed the FBI’s failures to implement meaningful reforms to prevent its abuses, and addressed the broad issue of warrantless mass surveillance on American citizens.
May 15, 2023: Durham releases report. 4 Star General who Stole Election is sacked.
I don't have the links, but some of the guys that do videos discussing devolution have dug on Hastings and his involvement in the removal of his superior and one of the other Generals that allowed the nuclear triggers to get shipped to Taiwan and almost taken by China (Taiwanese intercepted before they could be transferred). That general is the adopted father of one of the agent provacateurs heavily involved in Jan6 that was doing video recording of the whole incident and was seen with Ray Epps on Jan 5.
Thanks for the background info. (Edit: the agent provocateur being John Sullivan, I presume?) I'll poke around and see what I can come up with. When you highlighted Hastings it occurred to me I've never looked into him, but I do (vaguely) remember the intercepted trigger incident.
Yes, Sullivan. His father got fired over the nuclear trigger thing, I think. He might not have been a general rank.