Yahoo Says That MAGA wants Violence Against LGBTQIA people. We don't. All we want is for them to not harm kids and to stop pushing their lifestyle on the rest of the country and world.
🤡 MSM Conspiracy Theory 🤡

Mockingbird civil war incitement. That's all this is. Getting mentally-vulnerable fuckwits and propaganda-soaked social sponges to get angry.
The Deep State REALLY wants a civil war. It's their last-ditch effort to capsize the ship, next to nuclear escalation.
They're using these seeds of doubt and discord to get the aforementioned on their side so when the government targets patriots and MAGA folks, or anyone who voted for Trump, there will be a section of the populace who cheers it on. The irony is, these are the same types who shit their pants over "muh right wing fascism" while they cheer on the government's attacks on their political and cultural opponents.
if you see this stuff for what it is, it stops bothering you in the ways it would if you were just a basic normie who thinks this is actual journalism.