For the first time in modern history, an opposing political party coordinated with the FBI to attempt to overthrow a sitting President... so why has no one been arrested yet? The answer is easy. The whole system is corrupt. The Military is the only way. Why hasn't the military done anything. They have been waiting to get the peoples support. As long as the masses are appathetic their hands are tied. They need the people to speak up. They have been waiting since the 2020 election was stolen. They needed at least 70% of the people to see it was stolen. Finally 72% of the people believe the election was stolen. A lot has been happening the last couple of years and the military knows it all. It is time.
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An American soldier open the gate this morning and let hundreds of illegals in on private property over the border. Soldier takes orders.
But they are to protect and defend the Constitution as well when they see treason.
And truthfully, they do not have to obey an illegal order. The problem might be they don't, or won't, know an illegal order from a legal order; they should, but maybe not.
They used to teach that in basic. I’d bet those classes have been set aside for Diversity Inclusion and Equity classes.
Yes in today's military that is quite possible, sad but possible.
Sauce for the 72% fig?
I hope something happens soon. I'm stuck outside the US waiting for the CDC to stop requiring the clotshot to immigrant applicants.
72% definitely don’t believe it was stolen. Not sure where you got that figure. It’s probably barely half the country who believe that, not even. Unfortunately there are still way too many victims of the deep state brainwashing apparatus, conservative minded people included. I know plenty of conservatives who still got the vax and still have a degree of trust in the government. That’s why the precipice will be necessary. We will need a major scare event that shakes people to their core in order for them to finally wake up.
Military tribunal before by Summer, so very soon for sure
Derek Johnson said he would be the reporting from Gitmo
Actually, you only need a small % of the total population to agree to have the military step in. We're way beyond that at this point.
Where are you getting the 72 percent figure