“Oops we accidentally switched voter registration for hundreds of thousands of Republicans to Democrat but don’t worry, it wasn’t a partisan attack” - Ever notice how these “election errors” never benefit Republicans? - Something shady going on in New York! - DC Draino
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
Article from NYP from tweet -
Deja blue: Printer’s flub makes every Nassau County voter a Democrat
Another article from GP -
Printer Error Turns Almost a Million Registered Voters in Nassau County, New York Democrat
Also, ever notice that mega lottery winners are always from New York, New Jersey and Illinois? Odd that never ever does a zillion dollar lottery winner come from a conservative state. Now, back to a wonderful thread.
One of the biggest winners ever was someone who lived in SC. SC has a rule that allows anonymity, so no one knows who they are.
I know of a guy who lived near where I used to live in NC, who won the lottery, and his former wife or girlfriend was trying to claim part of it. It was big in the news years ago.
Such a disgrace. Fire every single person involved. This wasn't by accident.
That's why I've always been registered Democrat. It's so I can screw with the primaries. I voted for Jesse Jackson one year. :)
Also, the Republican primaries are pretty much already decided by the time we have ours in NC. Most of the candidates have dropped out by then. And in the local elections, there's never a choice on the Republican side. This is a majority Dimwit area, so most conservative candidates run as Dims so they have a chance of winning.
"Printer's flub" my ass. when they get caught they always have something or someone to blame.
They are preventing them voting in the primaries. In NY you cannot vote in a primary unless you're registered to that party. Good luck getting a hold of anyone that get that fixed in time for you.
It's another flavor of election tampering.
If they have to cheat in NY, things are very bad for the democrats. Dem death spiral.
Voting from the rooftops may become the only way to save our Democratic Republic!
They believe you are stupid and will fall for their line.