309 High School Put Tampon Dispensers In The Boys’ Bathrooms – You’ll Be So Proud Of How The Boys Responded (Photo) (redstatenation.com) - SUMMER SALT - posted 1 year ago by conservativeamerica 1 year ago by conservativeamerica +309 / -0 High School Put Tampon Dispensers In The Boys' Bathrooms - You'll Be So Proud Of How The Boys Responded (Photo) - Red State Nati... Last week, photographs surfaced showing a hilarious protest staged by male students at Lakeridge High School in Oregon against the state’s “Menstrual Dignity Act” or HB 3294 of 2021. The legislation mandated the installation of female hygiene product dispe... 39 comments share 39 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Tampons are flushable. They are designed to flush. They must be doing something different. Perhaps they are leaving the wrapper intact.
Probably, or flushing several at once? When we were kids we just had spit wads!
Or a shitload at once...
You've got me imagining a group of boys taking bets on how many tampons the poor toilet will accept in one flush. Sounds like fun, considering the toilet is likely the pressurized flush type.
The pipes aren't pressurized...
No shit.
Pun intended.