There is a little understood or discussed phenomenon concerning illegal immigration that few talk about...
The black workforce is being displaced by what amounts to a workforce of illegal serfs. The black inner city population that depends on government programs to stay afloat is being displaced by money being allocated to the illegal immigrants..
Representatives of heavily concentrated black constituencies are starting to notice that what they have fought so hard for is slipping away...
The Democrat party is not the same as the Republican Party. Republicans, or rather conservatives, are unified around a set of core moral and political principles. The Democrat party is a coalition of small victim groups who are held together by what the party can do for each of them individually...
When the Dems have to disenfranchise one faction to please another the loose network of factionalized victim groups starts to unravel...
Black citizens and their representatives are just starting to realize that when they have used up their usefulness to the party then the party is happy to walk away...
By moving some of these victim groups to belief in the tenets of conservatism as a system of permanent self reliance based on achievement they may find themselves with a new permanent home; one that does not change with the direction of the wind...
(Professor Patriot)
Now that it's starting to hit them directly, they are taking notice.
Trillions on the ukraine, illegal immigration, minor sterilization, and child pornography classes! The Twilight Zone was never close.
Erosion within the party lmao
Black people hate Hispanic people more than white people. It should be fun.