On a metaphysical level: Virgen Mary appeared to 3 children in Portugal with a message for the Pope. By the time they finally got the audience of the Pope it was early '60 (or late '50's) The Pope followed 2 of her requests but not the 3rd. The 3rd one was a message for Russia which then was under communist rule & the Pope was concerned in the political ramifications of that (as opposed to just trusting God)
Also Edgar Cayce predicted something about the Russia today (Not the Russia of it's communist era) saving humanity, or something like that
Well aware. A Russia consecrated to the heart of mother Mary will be earths salvation. This pedo pope finally consecrated Russia and Putin a few years back apologized for communism and was baptized by the Russian Orthodox Church.
I think Putin was secretly baptized as a child & was a Christian all these years in a country where Christians really were persecuted (Seems like we are switching places with them)
On a metaphysical level: Virgen Mary appeared to 3 children in Portugal with a message for the Pope. By the time they finally got the audience of the Pope it was early '60 (or late '50's) The Pope followed 2 of her requests but not the 3rd. The 3rd one was a message for Russia which then was under communist rule & the Pope was concerned in the political ramifications of that (as opposed to just trusting God)
Also Edgar Cayce predicted something about the Russia today (Not the Russia of it's communist era) saving humanity, or something like that
Well aware. A Russia consecrated to the heart of mother Mary will be earths salvation. This pedo pope finally consecrated Russia and Putin a few years back apologized for communism and was baptized by the Russian Orthodox Church.
I think Putin was secretly baptized as a child & was a Christian all these years in a country where Christians really were persecuted (Seems like we are switching places with them)
Not sure. He was hardcore KGB. It’s kind of hard getting to that position without being extremely evil.
Edit: https://www.worldreligionnews.com/religion-news/christianity/putin-jumps-freezing-water-mark-jesus-christs-baptism/