posted ago by ThomasMaker ago by ThomasMaker +40 / -1

Vote Continuity....

This was sent out during the night by a particular grouping that has yet to be wrong(not the judges)

The special satellite phones issued to US Senators had a specific reason. The rumored Memorial Day bunker vacation for the US Senators and their families is related. Reinstating President Trump has been endlessly delayed due to fears among the Junta that civil war will break out. Now the Junta feels more confident and plans to proceed. The Senate is the arm of Congress that swears in a President. Special interests, who have benefited from the Biden Administration, would take all steps possible to force Senators to be absent or avoid the vote call. The Junta plans to escort Senators to the bunkers where a vote is to be taken, arresting them if need be.

Not announced to the public is that SCOTUS long ago found that President Trump was the legitimate 2020 winner. The US Military also has never considered Biden their Commander in Chief. The fact that the US is and has been under Martial Law since the Fall of 2015 is also not public knowledge. If these facts were to be laid before the Senate, and they were forced to do their duty in swearing in the legitimate President, what would be the outcome? In a bunker setting, the Junta could challenge the Feldman Double and the Feinstein mental competence, and force the Harris VP Double to follow the Constitution. But the exact outcome is uncertain.