You know what would be a nice accompaniment to this kind of blowup: Bullet points that take us to the conclusion. It is basically a ____show for anyone who doesn't know what order to read it in. I realize it was no doubt a lot of work and good research (maybe), but simple text explaining it would be a way to get us all in the same tent with you. Thanks, but I can't use this kind of thing. Especially when it is 1 point font size.
I'm on mobile. I just tap on the title and it opens up to the graphic. Then I can enlarge image and move around. I didn't know this for awhile and then one day I hit it by accident.
You know what would be a nice accompaniment to this kind of blowup: Bullet points that take us to the conclusion. It is basically a ____show for anyone who doesn't know what order to read it in. I realize it was no doubt a lot of work and good research (maybe), but simple text explaining it would be a way to get us all in the same tent with you. Thanks, but I can't use this kind of thing. Especially when it is 1 point font size.
Right-click on the image and then choose the first option: Open image in new tab. Once in the new tab you can enlarge the image in order to read it.
Also, you read it from the top down from left to right.
You can right click to create a new tab that shows it in a larger version. Start on the left and go toward the right.
There are similar ways to do it on mobile also, for anyone trying to read on a phone.
Sometimes long-press the image and open in new tab, or something similar depending on the phone's software and web browser.
I'm on mobile. I just tap on the title and it opens up to the graphic. Then I can enlarge image and move around. I didn't know this for awhile and then one day I hit it by accident.