Notice that Obama and them bitched up a storm about the NSA database, but never actually wanted to get rid of it. No, they LOVED it.
It was the perfect spy apparatus and the MIL got all the bad press for it. This was perfect in their eyes. They wanted to plant straws in it and drink to their hearts' content.
After Mike R made his move they decided the problem was letting the MIL be in charge of the NSA. They had plans to put one of theirs in charge to avoid this situation ever again.
But it was too late.
They decided on a new plan. Everything they THOUGHT the white hats would do was wrong. They've been getting herded into the light. Every move they think will turn it back in their favor just digs their own grave deeper.
Holy sh*t, this is one of the BEST analyses ever.
Notice that Obama and them bitched up a storm about the NSA database, but never actually wanted to get rid of it. No, they LOVED it.
It was the perfect spy apparatus and the MIL got all the bad press for it. This was perfect in their eyes. They wanted to plant straws in it and drink to their hearts' content.
After Mike R made his move they decided the problem was letting the MIL be in charge of the NSA. They had plans to put one of theirs in charge to avoid this situation ever again.
But it was too late.
They decided on a new plan. Everything they THOUGHT the white hats would do was wrong. They've been getting herded into the light. Every move they think will turn it back in their favor just digs their own grave deeper.
These people are stupid.