I should add that if you look at the famous depiction of Baphomet, he has one hand pointing up, and one pointing down.
As Above, So Below.
Black. White. Up. Down. In. Out.
The Duality is an essential part of their world view, it seems to me. This is perhaps the worst of all of it, because it seems (I am an outsider, so do not really know) that they are saying that one is not better than the other. White is not better than Black. Good is not better than Evil.
As Above, So Below.
I hope I am wrong about them. But I am pretty sure that this is their view. Indeed, in the sphere of Alchemy/"Sorcery" they would say that there is nothing good or bad, but that thinking makes it so. A Shakespeare quote, who was (possibly) Sir Francis Bacon, the famous Mason and Rosicruscian. In a way, I agree with that: elemental forces are neither good nor bad, but your heart and purpose will bend them (to the extent that they can be directed) to your objectives.
Yup, they've been teaching us their Religion for Decades via Movies, but a little bit creeped into the TB Shows, and now they depict Satan as a Good Guy, he's just misunderstood, and it just keeps getting worse....
Yes. 3, 6 and 9 are the Sacred Numbers. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 are the Profane Numbers.
They are particularly fond of Black and White and sometimes add Red.
It's weird right???
Odd thing is that now, if I watch the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey, my only thoughts go to ""Well, this is their Religion, put into Video""....
And by analytical breakdown, it turns out that it actually is their religion....
I should add that if you look at the famous depiction of Baphomet, he has one hand pointing up, and one pointing down.
As Above, So Below.
Black. White. Up. Down. In. Out.
The Duality is an essential part of their world view, it seems to me. This is perhaps the worst of all of it, because it seems (I am an outsider, so do not really know) that they are saying that one is not better than the other. White is not better than Black. Good is not better than Evil.
As Above, So Below.
I hope I am wrong about them. But I am pretty sure that this is their view. Indeed, in the sphere of Alchemy/"Sorcery" they would say that there is nothing good or bad, but that thinking makes it so. A Shakespeare quote, who was (possibly) Sir Francis Bacon, the famous Mason and Rosicruscian. In a way, I agree with that: elemental forces are neither good nor bad, but your heart and purpose will bend them (to the extent that they can be directed) to your objectives.
Especially 2001. Especially 2001.
But, also, Event Horizon is the black version of 2001's white version. Interstellar is the same movie as well, just with more tesseract stuff.
A cube is a hexagon is a tesseract. 2D, 3D, 4D. Same-same.
Yup, they've been teaching us their Religion for Decades via Movies, but a little bit creeped into the TB Shows, and now they depict Satan as a Good Guy, he's just misunderstood, and it just keeps getting worse....