I believe that if the cash is hoarded, the government will first stop printing it and tell stores use the digital fiat. If they do not, they are fined. Then the govenment will make fiat worthless even more by saying the only way u can claim ur money is a bank deposit. The "problem" would weed itself out naturally after that
Can anyone explain to me how using the cash version of the infinitely inflatable Treasury note is any better than the digital blips?
If anything hoarding your cash would be more appropriate than using it and spending it.
Of course the best thing is to convert that treasury note into non-inflationary currency like Bitcoin, gold and silver
I believe that if the cash is hoarded, the government will first stop printing it and tell stores use the digital fiat. If they do not, they are fined. Then the govenment will make fiat worthless even more by saying the only way u can claim ur money is a bank deposit. The "problem" would weed itself out naturally after that
it's not
If you don't convert your currency and you give the businesses reason not to convert, then the CBDC has a harder time taking hold.