It does perpetuate myths that are deeply rooted in our grasp of the world.
You didn't think we'd hit 'the truth would send 99% to the hospital' with nothing more than the mass realization that 'all celebs are pedos!', did you? Fundamental beliefs of the world would need to be revealed as fake to hit that percentage.
To the minds of children dinosaurs are no more than just fiction.
And, if this movement is about exposing all deceptions and revelations of all truths, it would be unavoidable that Christianity (at least since the Council of Nicea) would eventually be exposed as well.
EDIT: It is decoded that 'Gilgamesh' is synonymous in Comms speak with 'cheap knockoff'. That the story of Gilgamesh so closely mimicking Noah's Great Flood story, and then said to be older than the Bible itself, thereby 'humiliating' Christianity, is a fabrication revealed by Comms.
I don't imagine the Comms World would have a purpose to do such a thing if there wasn't any merit to Christianity whatsoever.
The Comms sent, if there were any, that far back would be hard to decipher. Looks like Council of Nicaea was 325 AD. Furthest back DecodingSymbols has tackled is 1048.
"A few small pieces from COSMOS that didn’t fit in with the other sections.
In another part of COSMOS they go over a star seen in 1054 in China and all around the world known as the “Guest Star” A “Star” never before seen burst into radiance, bright almost as if a “full moon”
Guest Star? As in someone visiting China? Note it was the origin of movable type. One of China’s “4 great inventions” which they celebrated at the 2008 Olympics.
The same year the Knights of Malta came into being through Egypt."
This is GREAT!
Children LOVE dinosaurs, and learning ABOUT dinosaurs never hurt a child.
Fabulous pivot from one to the other. Dinosaur month!
It does perpetuate myths that are deeply rooted in our grasp of the world.
You didn't think we'd hit 'the truth would send 99% to the hospital' with nothing more than the mass realization that 'all celebs are pedos!', did you? Fundamental beliefs of the world would need to be revealed as fake to hit that percentage.
To the minds of children dinosaurs are no more than just fiction.
And, if this movement is about exposing all deceptions and revelations of all truths, it would be unavoidable that Christianity (at least since the Council of Nicea) would eventually be exposed as well.
EDIT: It is decoded that 'Gilgamesh' is synonymous in Comms speak with 'cheap knockoff'. That the story of Gilgamesh so closely mimicking Noah's Great Flood story, and then said to be older than the Bible itself, thereby 'humiliating' Christianity, is a fabrication revealed by Comms.
I don't imagine the Comms World would have a purpose to do such a thing if there wasn't any merit to Christianity whatsoever.
The Comms sent, if there were any, that far back would be hard to decipher. Looks like Council of Nicaea was 325 AD. Furthest back DecodingSymbols has tackled is 1048.
"A few small pieces from COSMOS that didn’t fit in with the other sections.
In another part of COSMOS they go over a star seen in 1054 in China and all around the world known as the “Guest Star” A “Star” never before seen burst into radiance, bright almost as if a “full moon”
Guest Star? As in someone visiting China? Note it was the origin of movable type. One of China’s “4 great inventions” which they celebrated at the 2008 Olympics.
The same year the Knights of Malta came into being through Egypt."