This Act may be cited as the “Gold Standard Restoration Act”.
Not later than the date that is 24 months after the date of the enactment of this Act—
(1) the Secretary of the Treasury (in this Act hereafter referred to as the “Secretary”) shall define the Federal reserve note dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day’s closing market price of gold;
(2) Federal reserve banks shall make Federal reserve notes redeemable for and exchangeable with gold at the fixed price determined under paragraph (1) and create processes that facilitate such redemptions and exchanges between member banks and the public; and
(3) if a Federal reserve bank does not fulfill its duties under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall make the redemption or exchange as guarantor and place a corresponding first and paramount lien on all assets of such bank.
Briggs, Cosar and Luna are the cosponsors.
EDIT: I had the wrong date in the title.
Thats why I prefaced that statement with "They are gonna expose the fraud and (I am guessing) cancel any part of the debt that can be proven to be fake/fraudulent"
There are different ways to look at this. According to Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars a supposed CIA handbook, but most importantly solid mathematical model for the Central Bank financial system actually says that the debt is real, but "We the People" are the creditors. This is why they need to wipe us out periodically with wars and manufactured tragedies.
So how is this setup so that we are the actual creditors and yet we dont realise it? This is where the whole "birth certificate fraud", the CUSIP ID scam etc comes in. In fact the explanation given by the CUSIP ID theory perfectly fits with the assertion that we are the creditors.
That "we are the creditors" is a very interesting idea. I think it likely has validity in some sense, but I can't think of any way that it has validity in the legal (contract) sense. I will have to look into it, but my first thoughts are:
That book looks interesting, but I can't, at first glace, find any validity for it. Is there anything that gives it credentials? I will look it over more and see if it makes any interesting claims that I can validate. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
The math in it makes pretty good sense and is not something a troll in the basement could have cooked up.
Yes, I was reading it. It's very interesting, and makes a lot of sense. A remarkable amount of sense really. They get a few things wrong though, such as Rothschild basically inventing money magic (it was invented long before, even Rothschilds specific variant of it). It's going to take some more digging. Thanks again for showing pointing it out.
If you are an American, have you ever tried looking up the CUSIP using your social security number or you birth certificate number? I cant verify it from here, but it would definitely be a good indication.
I tried several places to find my SSN as a CUSIP, but I couldn't find it on anything. I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for though. Is there a specific type of security?
Some asked for a ticker name. Is there a SSN ticker name? Like, HS4EVR (Human Slaves Forever)? Is there a specific website you use?
This is the link I had bookmarked long ago:
I believe you have to request your authenticated birth certificate to find the CUSIP number.