I’ve used the guide, followed the links, looked at Majic decodes and such. I can’t make heads or tails of the actual chans. I guess you can’t put new wine in this old wine skin.
I think I might know what the Spider Web is, unless that involves the Clock.
I’m confused on other things.
[CLAS 23-41] and similar [CLAS] statements go over my head. Is there a cheat sheet on phrases?
I guess I still don’t get winding the clock, the spider web, or any of the advanced stuff.
I know about the amazing Q Proof video. I’m asking about resources that are available but not well known. Like Qanon pub has Answers (but only for a few drops, and only partially).
And if I did want to search 8kun, how would I do that. To me, it just looks like archived threads and I can’t figure out what I’m looking at. It’s like crazy matrix stuff.
Thanks in advance.
Sweet, thanks
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