How funny would that be? Would we be all in jaiI? What's gonna run those jaiIs? Our taxes?
These people are pro union types. What would happen if there were the People's Union? A union that would essentially organize a taxstrike where we don't pay our poIiticians, AKA OUR EMPLOYEES. They havestrikes all the time. Why can't we?
A Union that handles IegaIities pertaining to constitutional rights with its own Iawyers would be an interesting thing to see. And if the Ieft says something, I guess they're anti union and pro establishment, pro muh capitaIist, anti libertarians after all.
I am down for a strike lol
In the Netherlands there is a process going on, tens of thousands of people have already sent the FISCUS a letter stating their intention to stop paying taxes all together as per 1-1-24.
The reason for this is simple: the State has shown itself to be criminal terrorist organization, and the law prohibits giving support and comfort, financing to these type of organizations.
In that country, due to the financing structure, if a 100.000 people would do so, things would start to fall apart.
On a different note: a work strike would also achieve a lot, as then the logistics of a country start to be inhibited. The issue facing people making such a decision to strike is to maintain their strike. The support of a large portion of a million people would then be required.
I "went Galt" almost 20 years ago. I do a side hustle only when I feel like it.