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Taking shelter from the outrage storm that is brewing on Truth Social, but I had made one last post for the day, commenting about this whole situation with the Debt deal and Trump
The TLDR is that I was not the only one that noticed Trump's silence on this whole topic and reached a similar conclusion that Trump is probably doing something in the background and not telling anybody else about it...
I put together a few data points: the roles being played, openly or not, by various members of congress; what I think was the very successful operation where McCarthy was nominated and elected speaker, with the certain 'concessions' orchestrated into space; the ongoing and unfolding disclosure processes, including by not limited to: Twitter, Durham Report, J6 tapes, congressional committees, etc.; the ongoing redpill that is Biden (now despised by both the left and the right, for different reasons) and the apparent inability of the Biden administration to significantly advance the globalist agenda in any big way (including reversal of all the changes originally made to Trump policies after Joe got in, but then gradually reinstated during the last 12 months).
I put those together, and I feel confident from a logical perspective that the 'debt deal' thing is not what it seems on the surface, while 'conservatives' go into outrage. I mean, if there is a real (internationally reaching) plan to implode the fiat currency petrodollar system (and it sure looks like there is), then does this deal help or hinder that ultimate goal?
Ragers gonna rage, and outragers gonna outrage, but when the Boss is quiet and tight lipped, smart folks would be wise to withhold any reactive judgments, and pay simple attention.
Meanwhile... https://media.greatawakening.win/post/4ujHpcWxaINd.jpeg ;.;
yah, reckons you is right PS.
Here’s the thing; isn’t President Trump’s goal to wipe out the Federal Reserve and end their stranglehold on the American people? So would it really make that much difference the amount of the debt? Hope we can return once more to a Republic rather than a corporation financing other countries with our debt.
Indeed. I was not quick to speak out on the situation since I have been neck-deep in this analysis business to know that things are not as they seem at first. Trump not immediately reacting to all of this, and then not reacting for more then 80 hours at this point, is the first clue that this debt deal business is far more complicated and involved than it appears to be.
However, we have plenty of foolish folks over at Truth Social who practically went foaming at the mouth over all of the debt deal items, and loudly proclaiming their feelings without even the barest of analysis. What noise and nonsense. And the influencers, who holds great sway and command over legions of people over there, sure does not make things better by beating their drums and loudly raging and outraging, which causes OTHER people to rage and outrage.
That is why I have said that I will get mad only if Trump wants me to get mad. If I get mad on my own, then I end up like the foolish outragers over on Truth Social and Twitter: angerly bleating without rhyme nor reason. Trump is being quiet and clam about this issue, so I will also be relatively calm and quiet.
Thou art indeed wise, o' anon.
updoogle to the max
I think the role playing for the parts started in 2015 during the Presidential Debates. That's why I believe that Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ben Carson and others who remain in office or appointed to the Administration were so 'easy going' when Trump called them names during the Primaries. I also believe that he is still doing it these days as well. Kaleigh McEnany for one; I believe is playing her part as an insider to gather information on Fox News IMO. I honestly believe that Ron DeSantis is playing a part as well because WHY else would he have such a 'stupid' launch of his campaign if he is 'emmulating' everthing that Trump has and is doing. HOW else could a Presidential campaigner GRAB attention from the 'sleeping' woke people but to call others names. They would then most likely LISTEN to what he is saying causing them to THINK about what is truly going on. This is my opinion and it fits well with the movie we are watching. I try to watch others that Trump 'insults/calls names' to see if perhaps "I THINK" they are merely playing a part.
I'm pretty sure Ted Cruz is just a spineless weenie who would lick gorilla butts clean if he thought t bfedSC
I fell through my chair while typing this, so maybe Ted Cruz is already dead and is a vengeful spirit