A question that I have been pondering for awhile concerning Q drop 60. Less than 10 have the full picture with only 3 being non-military
Reading that it appears to state than 9 people or less have the full picture. 3 are non-military and up to 6 are military.
I was making some assumptions that I questioning now. I am simply considering that idea. Not buying into it.
The question I have is this. Of the less than 10 how many are Americans? I just assumed they all were.
Do we really think that the (up to) 6 military that are completely in the know are all in the American military? Even President Trump may not be one of the 3 non-military. https://qposts.online/?q=60&s=postnum
If less than 10 have the full picture that doesn't mean there are less than 10 on the Q team. That just means less than 10 know everything about it. For some reason this never clicked with me until today.
Think about it - lets say we send a Seal Team out to do something - maybe rescue a hostage. We assume they would know everything about the mission but that is probably not the case. They will know what they need to do, where, when, who - etc., but they may never know why they were really sent. Maybe that person is going to be propped up as the next ruler of that country by the CIA and our Seals had to go get them. The team would have no idea about the reason - just the stuff they needed.
With this in mind we could certainly have a Putin or a Xi on the team but not completely in the know.
Thanks OP for making me think - no idea why this triggered my brain and other similar posts did not.
They would know. In those kinds of operations you know task and purpose. Knowing the purpose allows you to plan contingencies. Here's an example: When the Green Berets moved Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan on 2002 so he could be installed, they had to plan to avoid certain areas. That definitely is a planning consideration. And with the clearances that community has, there is really no reason not to tell them.
so there is also a shadow cabal but of white hats??