Matches my firsthand as well. No COVID deaths. No vaxx deaths. Across every permutation of vaxx imaginable. Everyone doing the same.
Anons need to step back and think: If they'd fake global warming. If they'd fake war footage. If they'd fake school shootings. If they'd fake the moon landing. If they'd fake a pandemic. Is it really such a stretch that the vaxx harm theory could be driven off some fake stories and preprint studies? Mixed with a bunch of almost anonymous athlete anecdotes that chatgpt could whip up in seconds?
COVID deaths - 3. The first one was a woman who TBH probably would not have made it through flu season. The second and third ones were vented (admitted into hospital w/COVID and then put on remdesiver and a ventilator) so, murdered.
Vaxx injuries - 4. One guy took the shot. Developed myocarditis, but says he's now cured. One woman took the shot and is having neural issues that I noticed get a lot worse as she thinks about it. One developed leg clots after taking it, but also is predisposed to this due to family history of blood clots. One guy is vaxxed and fully boosted - always getting sick with every thing that comes along, kind of a germ freak, too. To be honest, I suspect that there is a powerful psychological component magnifying these effects at work here also.
Vaxx deaths - zero.
If it is really as bad as reported on this site and alternate news, I should see people I know dropping left and right. Many family members and friends across multiple states should be adversely affected from the vaxx and are not. In fact, there are a few smug and sanctimonious individuls who took the shot right away, and according to Dr. Tenpenny's predictions should have died already. Nope, they are still virtue signaling the vaxx.
I don't know what to make of Ed Dowd's work Cause Unknown. Stat based.
There are two vaxx head centrals that I monitor that have "regulars". They're a good spot for rough stats because it gives you 1000 people or so checking in daily that you know are vaxxed and willing to share their experience. Them and the vaxx heads in my own life are my canaries in the coal mine.
So far they're still singing their deranged song. Which makes me happy, because both sides being wrong on this issue is the best case scenario.
My theory is that the military is cutting the product in a way that makes it generally safe and then running the fake vaxx horror stories in the same way the cabal runs the mass shootings.
Matches my firsthand as well. No COVID deaths. No vaxx deaths. Across every permutation of vaxx imaginable. Everyone doing the same.
Anons need to step back and think: If they'd fake global warming. If they'd fake war footage. If they'd fake school shootings. If they'd fake the moon landing. If they'd fake a pandemic. Is it really such a stretch that the vaxx harm theory could be driven off some fake stories and preprint studies? Mixed with a bunch of almost anonymous athlete anecdotes that chatgpt could whip up in seconds?
Here's my first hand knowlege.
COVID deaths - 3. The first one was a woman who TBH probably would not have made it through flu season. The second and third ones were vented (admitted into hospital w/COVID and then put on remdesiver and a ventilator) so, murdered.
Vaxx injuries - 4. One guy took the shot. Developed myocarditis, but says he's now cured. One woman took the shot and is having neural issues that I noticed get a lot worse as she thinks about it. One developed leg clots after taking it, but also is predisposed to this due to family history of blood clots. One guy is vaxxed and fully boosted - always getting sick with every thing that comes along, kind of a germ freak, too. To be honest, I suspect that there is a powerful psychological component magnifying these effects at work here also.
Vaxx deaths - zero.
If it is really as bad as reported on this site and alternate news, I should see people I know dropping left and right. Many family members and friends across multiple states should be adversely affected from the vaxx and are not. In fact, there are a few smug and sanctimonious individuls who took the shot right away, and according to Dr. Tenpenny's predictions should have died already. Nope, they are still virtue signaling the vaxx.
I don't know what to make of Ed Dowd's work Cause Unknown. Stat based.
There are two vaxx head centrals that I monitor that have "regulars". They're a good spot for rough stats because it gives you 1000 people or so checking in daily that you know are vaxxed and willing to share their experience. Them and the vaxx heads in my own life are my canaries in the coal mine.
So far they're still singing their deranged song. Which makes me happy, because both sides being wrong on this issue is the best case scenario.
My theory is that the military is cutting the product in a way that makes it generally safe and then running the fake vaxx horror stories in the same way the cabal runs the mass shootings.