Ive been trying to tell people here since I joined, that adrenochrome is a false front to make us look silly. I do believe it is probably used as a drug, like in that Johnny Depp movie, but the real anti aging miracle cure thing they are after is stem cells. Stem cells are the reason for their abortion stance along with the ritual sacrifice aspect, eugenics and organ harvesting.
There was a huge national debate over the use of stem cells in the late 90s early aughts that has completely disappeared from the national conversation. There is a reason it was memory holed and replaced by the false adrenochrome accusations.
You are incorrect. Adrenochrome is a huge business. China in particular has the corner on this market. They have captive Uyghurs that are used for organ harvesting (we know this for sure) so I imagine they are also the source for their 60+ Adrenochrome laboratories. Other countries offer it for sale also, including the U.S.
Here is a description of ADRENOCHROME from American Custom Chemicals Corporation:
"Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine). It inhibits COMT (Catechol-O-methyltransferase), promotes the synthesis of prostaglandins in brain tissue in vitro, promotes the secretion of nerve growth factor by L-M ce."
Ive been trying to tell people here since I joined, that adrenochrome is a false front to make us look silly. I do believe it is probably used as a drug, like in that Johnny Depp movie, but the real anti aging miracle cure thing they are after is stem cells. Stem cells are the reason for their abortion stance along with the ritual sacrifice aspect, eugenics and organ harvesting.
There was a huge national debate over the use of stem cells in the late 90s early aughts that has completely disappeared from the national conversation. There is a reason it was memory holed and replaced by the false adrenochrome accusations.
You are incorrect. Adrenochrome is a huge business. China in particular has the corner on this market. They have captive Uyghurs that are used for organ harvesting (we know this for sure) so I imagine they are also the source for their 60+ Adrenochrome laboratories. Other countries offer it for sale also, including the U.S.
Here is a description of ADRENOCHROME from American Custom Chemicals Corporation:
"Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine). It inhibits COMT (Catechol-O-methyltransferase), promotes the synthesis of prostaglandins in brain tissue in vitro, promotes the secretion of nerve growth factor by L-M ce."
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