Two thing that the criminals of global warming will Not discuss. Before the lies of global warming, actual climate researchers found Proof of Three Separate ICE AGES 'before OIL' in.................California, so of course the climate 'changes' without Man having anything to do with it. The second is Absolute, Plymouth Rock still sits at the Exact same sea level that it has for over 300 years. They should all be in prison.
In order for the new world order to be achieved, they must use cultural Marxism as the means to take away any production from any peoples in order to re built and conquer for themselves.
This is a really helpful image. It shows a key tactic the Left uses with data manipulation. Color scales are arbitrary. They could invert the color scale and present the same data. They do it this way because we all understand that red = hot. The number 13 doesn't mean hot, but red does, and our lizard brain already got the message before we even thought about the 13.
Two thing that the criminals of global warming will Not discuss. Before the lies of global warming, actual climate researchers found Proof of Three Separate ICE AGES 'before OIL' in.................California, so of course the climate 'changes' without Man having anything to do with it. The second is Absolute, Plymouth Rock still sits at the Exact same sea level that it has for over 300 years. They should all be in prison.
In order for the new world order to be achieved, they must use cultural Marxism as the means to take away any production from any peoples in order to re built and conquer for themselves.
This is a really helpful image. It shows a key tactic the Left uses with data manipulation. Color scales are arbitrary. They could invert the color scale and present the same data. They do it this way because we all understand that red = hot. The number 13 doesn't mean hot, but red does, and our lizard brain already got the message before we even thought about the 13.
People should read: How to Lie with Statistics
I guess those pesky dinosaurs and their SUVs did that.
Dinosaurs be wayciss
Trump said the worlds weather is actually cooling, not getting warmer.
Has he lied?
The data also shows that the planet has cooled for several years in a row now.
To me , all media is to be regarded as fake news and totally untrustworthy.
For us over here in Murrika... 10C = about 50F... 11C= 51.8F
Everything is fake and gay
ThE gLoBaL wArMiNg CaUsEd ClOuDs To BlOcK tHe SuN So It Is CoLdEr!!!!!!!!! - some deranged climate change zealot