The donation is awarded to an organization with a strict process for verifying whether business owners are gay.
The NGLCC enforces a stringent process to verify whether business owners are gay. Applicants for NGLCC certification must provide documentation to prove LGBTQ affiliation, which can be satisfied with a “letter from three personal references attesting to LGBTQ status of business owner(s),” a “Physician/therapist carry letter or letter confirming transgender status,” or “Bills and/or forms for gender affirmation surgery,” among other records. The chamber then sends a “trained site visitor” to corroborate the application.
So apparently “self-id” isn’t good enough? They need to probe into your sex life to see if you qualify for their degeneracy award?
Do they have that much left?
They are just shooting themselves in the foot. The whole BLM thing is dead.
It's now gay for everything!
They obviously have a lot of cash to burn through. So let them burn it all away and go up In smoke.
how does this not open the company to stockholder suits for failure to adhere to fiduciary obligations?
Surprised they don't require observation while committing relevant sex acts.
Does time in prison count as certification?
Anybody - "Time for that final nail in the Bud Light Coffin?"
Bud Light - "Better make it 2!"
Can they afford that? Oh wait, they can....with the money they got from selling their beer back to the original peeps lol
What happened to "the privacy of the bedroom"??