I have seen this video many times. I have also seen some "reaction" videos to this video on YT. It's interesting to see the light bulb go off when the people watching realize EVERYTHING they were told/taught in school was a lie. They never realized it was the neighbors that enslaved people, so they could get money. They also never realized the reality of "westerners" not being able to survive capturing people to enslave them. Most of the people/kids watching the video and recording their reaction did realize that race (skin color) had NOTHING to do with it.
The only people that were enslaved, of ANY skin color, were those less fortunate.
This is an excellent video that puts slavery into perspective and ought to be mandatory in the education system. Unfortunately, that prospect will be an astronomical feat. In the mean time, home-school your children.... and share this with a woke normie you might know.
I have seen this video many times. I have also seen some "reaction" videos to this video on YT. It's interesting to see the light bulb go off when the people watching realize EVERYTHING they were told/taught in school was a lie. They never realized it was the neighbors that enslaved people, so they could get money. They also never realized the reality of "westerners" not being able to survive capturing people to enslave them. Most of the people/kids watching the video and recording their reaction did realize that race (skin color) had NOTHING to do with it.
The only people that were enslaved, of ANY skin color, were those less fortunate.
Yes! Note the terminology change (per evil playbook) from slavery to trafficking to dumb down the issues.
This is an excellent video that puts slavery into perspective and ought to be mandatory in the education system. Unfortunately, that prospect will be an astronomical feat. In the mean time, home-school your children.... and share this with a woke normie you might know.
Jews: hmm these Africans work hard and the kings are willing to sell them to us for gold and guns.
Wealthy aristocrat planters: ooo hard workers and we don't have to pay them? Great deal!
Blacks today: wE wErE exPlOiTeD AnD vULnErAbLE