You have to ask yourself what the thousands upon thousands of employees in the likes of the CDC, NIH, FDA and all the sciency ones etc ad nauseum actually 'do'.
These installations act as a magnet on the micro particles in the upper atmosphere, dispersed in chemtrails. The affect creates significant wobbles in the jet stream, dragging cold fronts South and warm fronts North, where they collide and create extreme weather.
Regardless of any desired action, I'm sure these places have the kind of security we wish was in place at every school in America, and the world, frankly
These are most likely over-the-horizon radar systems. The amount of energy they put into atmosphere is literally darn near nothing compared to what the sun does every day.
You have to ask yourself what the thousands upon thousands of employees in the likes of the CDC, NIH, FDA and all the sciency ones etc ad nauseum actually 'do'.
Excuse me, darling, but what is it exactly that you do do ?
A bunch of "diversity officers."
These installations act as a magnet on the micro particles in the upper atmosphere, dispersed in chemtrails. The affect creates significant wobbles in the jet stream, dragging cold fronts South and warm fronts North, where they collide and create extreme weather.
Release the joggers! They'll scrap that shit out faster than an aluminum screen door in the hood. That's how we do it.
The must have transformers and lines to them...right? Just curious...
I'm definitely not suggesting vandalism, if that is what you mean.
But I think we can agree that pausing 'atmospheric research' isn't going to do any harm.
Regardless of any desired action, I'm sure these places have the kind of security we wish was in place at every school in America, and the world, frankly
Oh they do. Just try snooping around HAARP. You will be J6'd in a heartbeat.
I bet King George was annoyed by the colonists vandalism.
Am not condoning anything. Just a simple innocent question.
Was the Russian disposal of the former Russian territorial dam vandalism? Or...
These are most likely over-the-horizon radar systems. The amount of energy they put into atmosphere is literally darn near nothing compared to what the sun does every day.
How much energy is required to light your grill with a single match?
How much force on your steering wheel is required to re-direct a 6000 lb vehicle going 65 mph?
I doubt you can create any weather you want, but you can wait for the exact right conditions and chose what happens from several likely possibilities.