the fact that so many people either did not know beforehand or allowed themselves to remain ignorant to the usage of face masks, was sort of mind boggling to me. i remember sitting in the truck one night at the grocery store with my brother, talking about everyone wearing them during the scamdemic days. he kept saying they were just scared or doing what they thought was right.
none of that matters. doing what you think is right, is not always the right thing to do. someone may think its the right thing to do, to go in & steal groceries because the prices are too high, to rob or shoot the place up... those are certainly not the "right" things to do.
even on a microscopic level, bacteria & smoke from cigarettes or vapes, go right through these masks, so these people believe their breath & bacteria wouldn't as well?
then you see people driving around with them either on, or hanging from the rear view mirrors, most definitely re-using the same one for days, weeks or even months at a time...
People close to me have devolved down to excusing the masktardery as "personal choice". I rant that it is inhumane for a government to bully people into doing something that had no health benefits and probably results in significant long term health detriments. I believe that we all have a community duty to help the less fortunate and more stupid in our society not to be fooled into self-harm as a result of government's war on us all. Personal choice to self-harm?
Certain things are not right to me because they don't feel right from the start. They look stupid, they smell all artificial, they're a horrible texture to handle. No way was I ever putting one of those pieces of shit over my face, even before seeing videos of them being made in sweatshops in the far East. I do believe the videos of microscopic 'things' being found in them were real, but no I don't mean nanoworms, I mean just plain ordinary parasites. For goodness' sake they're made in sweatshops by people who culturally wipe their ass with their bare hand after a shit.
Smoke does not go right through a fabric mask, some does while some is diverted upwards. I tested this multiple times - dab rig smoke for whatever reason seemed to be diverted much less, but straight up flower smoke was clearly being forced into an upwards trickle by the shape of the mask.
It is a little weird to compare a personal choice that has the intention of protecting others but at worst has zero effect on them, with robbing and shooting, which involve directly taking something from someone else.
Unfortunately the masks were not "zero harm". People continuously touched the masks to raise, lower, or adjust thousands of times a day. That hot steamy mess was transferred to whatever they touched and visa versa. All the waste they tried to exhale stayed trapped. These poor covidiots were the same suckers that got their brains jabbed repeatedly. Everyone proudly virtue signalled about how that stick hurt when they shoved it into your Blood brain barrier. Egyptians used the same stick torture and caused encephalitis. Once damaged, the trapped waste and nastiness on the unwashed face rag, would have a prime opportunity to infect the covidiots. When people argued about mosquito and chain link fence, the torturer admitted that the mask would catch contamination in larger droplets. In other words they intended for the covidiots to keep hot moist contamination over their airways all day long. The fear and sickness caused by masks was very real. The coldvid sickness caused no excess deaths over normal flu/pneumonia levels. Masks mandates correlated directly with almost immediate upticks in sickness and death. We all saw the graphs as they occurred so you should have several links already saved. Defending masks as harmless at worst is like Hillary exclaiming, "what difference at this point does it make!".
Mosquito and chain link fence? You mean when idiots said "B-but the virus is only a few microns wide, much smaller than the holes in a mask!"? Are you seriously bringing up that hilarious horseshit in 2023 like you're expecting no one to know that we breathe out aerosols, not just some free-floating cloud of independent viruses?
The uptick in death you describe ALSO CORRELATES TO TRANSMISSION OF COVID??? Which was the stated reason of the lockdowns? I'm not saying you're wrong to put the cart before the horse, I'm saying it's silly to say there's only a cart and no horse when the horse is right there. You might think that horse was planted by the government to trick you into ignoring the cart - fair enough! But the horse exists.
Every covid test I've been given has remained very much within the nostril so I truly don't know what you're going on about there
Also, I mean, scientists were clear in saying you should not touch the mask when outside in public and you should wash them after every use. People definitely didn't listen, but as you said, they should have.
I actually had someone back in April 2020 try to tell me that washing the masks was hazardous for your health, because "you shouldn't breathe soap".
Indeed we do. But what happens to those droplets when they hit the mask? The liquid soaks in, evaporates and frees a million viruses. Then you breathe in.
The other problem with "surgical" masks is that they are made cheaply by spraying random fibres and sticking them with glue to form the material. Some fibres remain loose for you to breathe in. Many more fibres become loose with use and, especially, with washing. Then you breathe in the fibres. That causes, potentially, interstitial lung disease (which is nasty).
the fact that so many people either did not know beforehand or allowed themselves to remain ignorant to the usage of face masks, was sort of mind boggling to me. i remember sitting in the truck one night at the grocery store with my brother, talking about everyone wearing them during the scamdemic days. he kept saying they were just scared or doing what they thought was right.
none of that matters. doing what you think is right, is not always the right thing to do. someone may think its the right thing to do, to go in & steal groceries because the prices are too high, to rob or shoot the place up... those are certainly not the "right" things to do.
even on a microscopic level, bacteria & smoke from cigarettes or vapes, go right through these masks, so these people believe their breath & bacteria wouldn't as well?
then you see people driving around with them either on, or hanging from the rear view mirrors, most definitely re-using the same one for days, weeks or even months at a time...
People close to me have devolved down to excusing the masktardery as "personal choice". I rant that it is inhumane for a government to bully people into doing something that had no health benefits and probably results in significant long term health detriments. I believe that we all have a community duty to help the less fortunate and more stupid in our society not to be fooled into self-harm as a result of government's war on us all. Personal choice to self-harm?
Say, "I agree, in the same way poisoning yourself is a personal choice."
Certain things are not right to me because they don't feel right from the start. They look stupid, they smell all artificial, they're a horrible texture to handle. No way was I ever putting one of those pieces of shit over my face, even before seeing videos of them being made in sweatshops in the far East. I do believe the videos of microscopic 'things' being found in them were real, but no I don't mean nanoworms, I mean just plain ordinary parasites. For goodness' sake they're made in sweatshops by people who culturally wipe their ass with their bare hand after a shit.
ββ¦ doing what you think is right, is not always the right thing to doβ¦.β Boy did that hit home. Very true.
Smoke does not go right through a fabric mask, some does while some is diverted upwards. I tested this multiple times - dab rig smoke for whatever reason seemed to be diverted much less, but straight up flower smoke was clearly being forced into an upwards trickle by the shape of the mask.
It is a little weird to compare a personal choice that has the intention of protecting others but at worst has zero effect on them, with robbing and shooting, which involve directly taking something from someone else.
Unfortunately the masks were not "zero harm". People continuously touched the masks to raise, lower, or adjust thousands of times a day. That hot steamy mess was transferred to whatever they touched and visa versa. All the waste they tried to exhale stayed trapped. These poor covidiots were the same suckers that got their brains jabbed repeatedly. Everyone proudly virtue signalled about how that stick hurt when they shoved it into your Blood brain barrier. Egyptians used the same stick torture and caused encephalitis. Once damaged, the trapped waste and nastiness on the unwashed face rag, would have a prime opportunity to infect the covidiots. When people argued about mosquito and chain link fence, the torturer admitted that the mask would catch contamination in larger droplets. In other words they intended for the covidiots to keep hot moist contamination over their airways all day long. The fear and sickness caused by masks was very real. The coldvid sickness caused no excess deaths over normal flu/pneumonia levels. Masks mandates correlated directly with almost immediate upticks in sickness and death. We all saw the graphs as they occurred so you should have several links already saved. Defending masks as harmless at worst is like Hillary exclaiming, "what difference at this point does it make!".
I cannot tell if you're being serious or not.
Mosquito and chain link fence? You mean when idiots said "B-but the virus is only a few microns wide, much smaller than the holes in a mask!"? Are you seriously bringing up that hilarious horseshit in 2023 like you're expecting no one to know that we breathe out aerosols, not just some free-floating cloud of independent viruses?
The uptick in death you describe ALSO CORRELATES TO TRANSMISSION OF COVID??? Which was the stated reason of the lockdowns? I'm not saying you're wrong to put the cart before the horse, I'm saying it's silly to say there's only a cart and no horse when the horse is right there. You might think that horse was planted by the government to trick you into ignoring the cart - fair enough! But the horse exists.
Every covid test I've been given has remained very much within the nostril so I truly don't know what you're going on about there
Also, I mean, scientists were clear in saying you should not touch the mask when outside in public and you should wash them after every use. People definitely didn't listen, but as you said, they should have.
I actually had someone back in April 2020 try to tell me that washing the masks was hazardous for your health, because "you shouldn't breathe soap".
Indeed we do. But what happens to those droplets when they hit the mask? The liquid soaks in, evaporates and frees a million viruses. Then you breathe in.
The other problem with "surgical" masks is that they are made cheaply by spraying random fibres and sticking them with glue to form the material. Some fibres remain loose for you to breathe in. Many more fibres become loose with use and, especially, with washing. Then you breathe in the fibres. That causes, potentially, interstitial lung disease (which is nasty).
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