I’m posting this to welcome other similar research and articles about faith fighting back. This is Biblical Anons. It doesn’t matter what God loving religion you’re part of, it’s God and God alone channeling all whom love and believe in him to fight back against the Cabal. God knows Where We Go One We Go All, together with him. And the flood has started! Christians of all denominations, Jews, and Muslims are about to join forces. Though they differ in Saints, Prophets, disciples, leaders, God’s true name, how the stories go together book to book, who’s religious tome is oldest and its archeological artifacts, and their belief in Christ, one piece, one piece binds us all as brothers and sisters; it is thee same 1 and only God. We all love God and slowly……very very slowly, but maybe now we are all learning and accepting we need to be on the same side, together to defeat the Cabal world-wide.
And the US has certainly become the world’s experimental melting pot for all God loving religions. But I believe what’s happening here will spread world wide to fight the Cabal.
So below I post these two articles to open the mind to put down the tongue sword of what God loving religion or their book is more correct or not! We ALL Love the same God PERIOD! And if we are to really win, reeeeally really win and beat the Cabal, we need to just listen to God himself. We all need to join together, go together, and take the Cabal out together.
Put other articles in this thread that you find. Show us your place of worship or God stands with Patriots world wide, with God together to fight back against the evil and tyranny. Much love and respect Anons and Patriots, and God bless each of you.
Where We Go One We Go All, TOGETHER, with our one God.
The context of these verses matters.
Hebrews 10 is quoting Jeremiah 31, and the context of these passages taken together is talking specifically about those who have been born again, those who have accepted Christ as their Savior. If you have not accepted Christ, these verses do not apply. The same goes for 2 Corinthians 3. That rules out the Muslims and Jews, as both groups reject Christ as Lord and Savior.
Furthermore, Jeremiah and Hebrews speak of God writing His law in our hearts. His Law is the written Word. So if someone claims that God has laid something on their heart, but it contradicts scripture, then what the person is claiming is not of God, but of their own imagination.
Proverbs 4 admonishes us to guard our hearts precisely because they are deceitful and wicked. Lastly, Paul's argument in Romans 2 is for why all men are condemned under sin, because everyone knows to some degree what is right and what is wrong. Yet still they are not saved, because many men will still reject God.
OP's assertion is that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God. This is patently false, as the teachings of all three religions are mutually incompatible. Either God is completely schizophrenic and self-contradictory, or only one religion at most is true.
I disagree with some of your interpretations, most significantly your assertion that the Word of God specifically refers to written word.
This isn't a place for debating interpretations though, and there's really no point.
I believe it is very important to have an open mind when interpreting scripture, and to always remember that the corrupt influence of man has added, changed, and removed many things.