I quit watching Faux news election night 2016. I find that without them things are less confusing. Good is seen with less distortion And evil is really easy to peg. Out of the Hannity, Ingram, and Tucker trio only Tucker has tried to redeem himself. He does better than he did before but knowing the things he knows and seeing the things he has seen, I can not help but believe he could be doing greater disclosures.
Fox is asshoe.
We love you, POTUS. That is all.
It is old news. Heard a while ago poll takers at Fox complained that they polled more Dems than Reps, as directed by their boss Paul Ryan.
Fake poles make fraudulent election results more believable.
+10 sampling should be illegal. You shouldn't be allowed to publish a political poll with such a ridiculous sampling margin.
Biden didn't get any more than 40 million legitimate votes in 2020
Truth account wiped? How do you explain that?
I quit watching Faux news election night 2016. I find that without them things are less confusing. Good is seen with less distortion And evil is really easy to peg. Out of the Hannity, Ingram, and Tucker trio only Tucker has tried to redeem himself. He does better than he did before but knowing the things he knows and seeing the things he has seen, I can not help but believe he could be doing greater disclosures.