Russian General Says U.S. Preparing to Use Mosquito-Filled Drones in Ukraine (malaria infected) - This story should be getting more buzz!
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
Is this not biological warfare? Doesn’t this violate the Geneva Convention?
Did they buy the mosquitoes from Bill Gates?
No, Gates have some with mRNA so the ones with malaria must be different ;)
Bill "the giant faggot" Gates has entered the chat
I humbly suggest giving Gates the Fauci beagle treatment.
I heard it kills the mosquito, too, if it bites you.
Wait for them to start screeching at mere mentions of IVR once again just as soon as these things are released.
"IVR is dangerous, and here is why letting mosquitoes sting you is a good thing."
MMS is better than Ivermectin if what I see here is true..
Watch entire video or you can skip to 12:27.
BioNTech says it plans to develop an mRNA vaccine to prevent malaria (JULY 2021)
Already unleashed in Sarasota Florida area
they'll use this on their own people too just as soon as they're sure it wont come back to bite them in their own dicks
Mmmmmm...... nah. Most of the skeeter talk is about the bio engineered ones to cut back the dengue fever etd.
Yeah, darlin', go and make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space