posted ago by Richmanstrick ago by Richmanstrick +31 / -2

EVERTYTHING that is happening all over the world is being financed by US taxpayer money. Did you know?

Why are billions being sent to Uganda, Africa, China and Ukraine?

The communist agenda - taxpayer funded

Government corruption - taxpayer funded

Migrant invasion - taxpayer funded

Child mutilations - taxpayer funded

Bad Medicine - taxpayer funded

Poison Food - taxpayer funded ........ I could go on and on.

Corrupt Politicians are laughing at us!

300 million Americans send half of their money made from their labors.

It is bad enough that we are financing the evil corrupt agenda of systematic and widespread extermination of peoples. But on top of that, the greedy and corrupt are stealing our wealth, our savings and our property.

How did we get here? We are being led by the Forth Estate - The Intelligence Machine. The Fifth Estate - the financial machine, IRS, and banks.

What should we be doing? How do we hold an entire System, who has infected the nation, the world, accountable?

What is the plan?